Multiple sclerosis tried to break me

People look at me – at my past mistakes, burdens, heartaches, and even at the fact that I’m living with MS – and all they see are my cracks, scars and the shattered fragments of my life. Each one of those things makes you uniquely you. You are not broken…you are a beautiful example of how someone can push through all the junk life throws their way and rise above it shinning brightly. You are not broken…you are beautifully YOU… scars, imperfections, wounds, bruises, cracks, and all.

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Here’s how to explain multiple sclerosis

Think of it like this: everyone’s body is like a unique puzzle, and sometimes, some pieces need a bit more care. People with MS are just solving their puzzle in a special way, and they can still play, learn, and have fun, just maybe a bit differently.

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