Don’t lose heart


Multiple sclerosis has taken so much from me. Some things I don’t miss, but it is heartbreaking to discover that my ability to play the guitar is now one of them.

I decided this week that I was going to get my guitar out to try and get my music going again. I was a really good guitarist playing for weddings and even played in a few concerts singing before thousands of people. I have missed it and was hoping I could get it going again.

I was trained classically by the Dean of Music at a university near where I lived in Missouri. He gave me private lessons and I had even impressed him with my skills. My voice is no longer strong enough to carry a proper tune but I thought I could at least get a few notes out that made some sense on the guitar.

I was at least able to remember how to manually tune the strings. I got my pitch pipe out so I could get the fifth string of the guitar in tune and then made all the other strings properly match up. I had always used a method called harmonics to help me get the strings tuned. I never had an electronic tuner like many musicians use.

Once I got the guitar properly tuned I thought at least I could make something of my efforts. But I sat on the couch a bit dumbfounded trying to remember the first strokes to my favorite song. I couldn’t get my right hand working at all. No picking and grinnin’ was going on. All I could do was a simple strum and to me that’s not as pretty as being able to use my fingers to create a beautiful melody.

My left hand was able to make the chords but I couldn’t do much of anything with my right hand in order to strum. I sat in tears mourning my lack of ability to play. I had hoped I could get something out… but nothing made sense anymore. It was heartbreaking.

I pulled out some of my sheet music and sadly couldn’t make sense of it any more. That was a really sad hard hitting reality for me. I never thought I would lose my ability to create music. All I can do now is just listen to the beauty others create. At least I will never lose the music in my heart. It’s still there. Maybe a whisper, but it’s still there.

When things don’t go as you had hoped you can’t give up. I promise you things will get better, one way or another they will get better. You can take my word for it. No matter what trial you are going through you can’t lose heart. Tomorrow is a new day, don’t forget that. You are not alone. I will walk with you through this valley and together we will make it through. Don’t lose heart.

3 replies
  1. Erin
    Erin says:

    Though I know I’m still doing well in most areas, especially at my age, there are still things that won’t come back, and I miss them. I see my ability to play piano slipping away, the ability to read music become a challenge, and now having no ability to tolerate touch without wanting to scream. We keep adapting as best we can as we lose abilities, but I marvel at your ability to laugh and encourage others, even as you have had to adapt to so many changes. Thank you for that.
    Good song by SCC, by the way.

    • Penelope Conway
      Penelope Conway says:

      Thanks for the encouragement. i understand whet you mean about not tolerating touch. That’s a difficulty for me as well. But we somehow get through it. Laughing is one of. my wys to adapt. I don’t ever want to lose that. 🙂 xoxo

  2. Peggy
    Peggy says:

    Penelope – hugs virtually to you. My heart hurts for you. MS has taken so much from us. I miss sewing and crafts, heck just being able to get out of bed! Walking! Sigh 😕


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