I always say MS is a disease that keeps on taking


Have you ever wondered if someone else has the same outlook as you regarding multiple sclerosis and all the troubles it brings to your life? Does someone think the same thoughts as you? Or maybe you look at your life and decide you’re all alone in your opinions about life with MS. Voicing a thought that’s contrary to popular opinion can be funny at its best, or terrifying and nerve-wracking at its worst. But having an unpopular opinion that goes against the status quo may not be as uncommon as you think. You just may be the only one brave enough to say it.

Many people don’t like talking about how much a person’s life changes when a diagnosis of MS comes along or how much their life is actually spinning out of control. It’s hard facing the MS monster at every waking moment. Just because people aren’t talking about it or choose to hide their struggle, doesn’t mean it’s not real.

Suicide rates among those living with MS are twice as high as those of the general population. The reason? Because our symptoms continually progress (meaning they keep getting worse) making life increasingly more difficult. We face things like numb body parts, fatigue, dizziness, vision loss, pain, emotional changes, decreased mobility, and a lack of understanding from others. We lose jobs, friendships, financial stability and independence. There are countless challenges in every day life, and as time passes they seem to only worsen.

It’s kind of like watching a grape slowly withering on the vine even though it’s given plenty of water, sunshine and care. We experience changes in our body and feel them with such intensity that it’s hard to even put our disease progression into words. We can actually feel the numbness, pain and difficulties creeping up our legs, arms and entire body to where one day it may just be our big toe that we can’t feel and the next it’s our entire leg.

Coping with something that continues to progress over time brings on feelings of hopelessness, stress, despair, and a host of other mixed up emotions. All we want is to fit in, get our life back, and live that carefree life that MS stole from us. I always say MS is the disease that keeps on taking.

Who wouldn’t get depressed knowing that their body was destructing from the inside, out? Sometimes it’s easy to face the struggle, but many days it’s a battle between sanity and trying to hold onto our dreams. It’s when those dreams begin to fade and all we have left is the pain and confusion, that’s when the tears begin to flow and depression rears its ugly head.

You see our smiles, hear our laughter and admire our strength, but in actuality we know those things are only hiding the pain… both the emotional and physical pain.

If you are having a wonderful day, please don’t criticize someone who isn’t. Enjoy your day and share your sunshine with others. If you’re feeling defeated and frightened of the future, reach out to people for help, and if they won’t listen to your pain, questions and doubts, don’t be too ashamed to talk with a counselor or psychologist. There’s nothing wrong with needing help with your inner struggle. We all have them. It’s just sometimes easier to face the pain with someone else’s help than trying to do it all alone.

Don’t give in to this relentless disease. We are all here for you, standing with you, reaching out in our own kind of way to help. We may not be perfect, life may be a mess, but you are loved, cherished, needed and oh so wonderful.

Life may not have turned out the way you expected, but you have a story to share that can help countless of people cope with the unplanned and unexpected. Talk about what’s going on. Help others see that the struggle is real. It’s time to let go of holding on so tightly to a life that once was. Let go and come dance with me.

If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather. Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It’s hard to be a friend to someone who’s depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do. ― Stephen Fry

1 reply
  1. Sue
    Sue says:

    Oh Penelope that is all so true almost like Pandora’s box where it’s all the wickedness in the world but always followed by Hope! Xx


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