I have lots of “almosts” in my MS life


Lucy and Linus were talking to their coach, Charlie Brown, at home plate. Kicking the dirt in disgust, Charlie Brown said, “Our team is no good. We have lost every game. There is nothing good about our team!”

“But,” protested Lucy, “Schroder almost hit a home run. And we almost won a couple of games. Once we almost made a double play. Don’t forget that you almost made it to first base before the ball, once.”

“If it’s any consolation, Charlie Brown,” interrupted Linus, “we did lead the league in almosts.”

“Almosts” are part of everyone’s life but living with multiple sclerosis our almosts are a bit different. Some almosts work to our advantage and are even celebrated.

For example, there are times when we almost slip getting out of the shower. Yeah! Or, we almost have an accident while driving our wheelchair… oops. Or, we almost choke while swallowing food, air or saliva… yikes. Or, we almost fall going up the stairs… yes, it can happen.

But sadly I have actually had every one of them happen to me and they can be really scary to deal with. It takes a lot of strength to hang in there when everything around you is going wrong and destroying your hopes and dreams.

Then there are the “might have been” occasions like when we almost walk across a parking lot without needing help but fall instead. Or other might have been occasions when we almost are healed by taking supplements and eating a special healthy diet. You know, the infamous unknown cures that heal every illness on the planet. According to those hacks we should be healed already.

Those things are like almost but not quite occurrences. According to Websters Dictionary, almost means “very near but not quite”.

So, the way I see it the “almosts” and “might have beens” are the same as it never really happened at all. I have a lot of almosts and might have beens in my life with MS but I don’t let that stop me from living life on my own terms. Not according to what other people think it should be but how I choose to live it. How about you?

4 replies
  1. Colleen Keast
    Colleen Keast says:

    I have many almost as described, but the scariest two are choking while swallowing, and wobbling on my feet, nearly falling. I keep going. Recently I started volunteering at our local hospital. It has reinforced two things in my daily life: there are plenty of people worse off than me, and I am still happy and healthy enough to walk over 13,000 steps in 4 hours several times a week, while helping others out in their time of need.

  2. Juana Driver
    Juana Driver says:

    I think my biggest almost was “almost drowning” as a young child. Think of all the other “almosts” I could have missed out on…….. so thankful for you leading us on …. wow almost just not quite…..


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