Listen to your body and don’t overdo it


My favorite time of year is finally here. My lawn is getting greener and greener due to the rain we’ve been having. It is begging to be cut. I’m actually feeling good enough to run my riding mower and get out in the sun for my adventure of the day but it’s raining again this morning.

I can already tell it’s going to be easier to manage a riding mower without a suprapubic catheter urine bag to lug around. I’m really liking having a urostomy. I think it’s one of the best surgeries I’ve ever had. It’s so freeing for me. I can move about without concern of what’s coming with me. And the pain is finally over. Yippee.

Yesterday I pulled out my weed whacker to edge my driveway and sidewalk to get the grass under control. I was able to cut the time in half from what it took me last year. I moved about better. I use my old powerchair to ride around the property. I call it my powerlawnchair.

There are a lot of projects I want to get done this year but I know I need to be cautious and not try to tackle them all at once. I’m going to take them one at a time and give myself lots of breaks.

That’s the important part. Listen to your body and don’t overdo it. You know your body best. I have to remember to stop before it starts to scream at me. If it screams, I’m done for days and days.

My right side is still giving me difficulties due to increased weakness but I’ve gotten pretty good at doing everything left handed. Even when raking the lawn I actually rake it using my right shoulder and left hand. Odd combination but it works for me. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do… no matter how weird it may look.

One things for sure, you will always find me out in my yard doing something to beautify things. My next project is to replace the solar powered lights around my front entranceway. It always looks so nice all lit up at night. I bought some replacement ones last year all ready for me to get out and tackle the task.

I love living by myself even when days are hard. I love looking out my windows at all of nature that surrounds my house as the deer and bunny rabbits trapes around. I won’t stop loving life regardless of how hard things get or how impossible life becomes. I will always find something to make me smile!

4 replies
  1. Tiffany Lanthier
    Tiffany Lanthier says:

    Penelope you really are amazing, reading that you do all of these things by yourself (yardwork) I think to myself to get moving and just move my body more!!! After all my true MS WARRIOR LEADER is doing it so I can too!!! Penelope you inspire me so much to be a better person (physically) when a lot of times it’s just easy to sit on my booty and NOT move!!!!! Thank You so much from my heart 🙂 🙂

  2. bunny
    bunny says:

    you hit the nails on the heads,
    listen to you body
    don’t overdo it
    move it move it
    you’re a true inspiration to me.
    you keep it real. i always take away something from your posts.
    i needed to be reminded of the points you made.
    biggest problem: allowing myself to be in 5th gear.
    i’m into my 13th year and ya think i’d realize by now it doesn’t end well after i’m in tazmainian devil mode.
    wishing you many blessings and good days ahead


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