My never-ending multiple sclerosis struggle


I’m not going to lie and tell you that life is wonderful at the moment or pretend to have all the answers. The truth is, life is hard and for those of us living with a chronic illness it seems harder than it does for others because our struggle is never-ending and always changing.

Each morning I wake up exhausted but thankful that a new day is here filled with its countless possibilities. Throughout the day I face challenges that at times can become overwhelming, painful, and sometimes more difficult than I had ever imagined. Multiple sclerosis challenges can cause a lot of trouble and bring about a battle that I don’t always have the strength to fight. But somehow I gather enough strength to come up swinging. I refuse to let the struggle win.

Just yesterday I fell yet again transferring to my powerchair. You’d think I would have found a way to avoid it but I never do. I tend to go from point A to point L, M, N, O, P before I find point B. But even in my roundabout way, I get there. With my new bruises, wounded pride and 2 large cups of coffee I was able to get through the day. I made it… or so I thought.

It was right before bed that I discovered a leak in my urostomy pouching bag used for my makeshift bladder so I had to clean myself up and  put on a new pouch. Just doing that took the remaining strength I had left. My hands weren’t working well for me. Between tremors and weakness my hands were making the change difficult.

I barely had enough strength to climb into bed. When I finally got to bed for the night I paused to reflect on my day and without fail I realized that I made it through another day with MS. Maybe bruised and a bit wounded, but I made it through. As I closed my eyes I did so with gratitude and with a heart filled with thanks that I made it through another day.

After all that I remembered that a new day is coming. What will that new day hold? Will it be a good day, a terrible day, or will I even have enough strength to get through it? Will I cry? Will I laugh? I just don’t know. All I know is a new day is coming.

I know an MS life can be hard, but through the struggle I want you to remember this…

When things get bad, no matter how hard they become, know that even on your darkest, cloudiest day, the sun is still shining from behind the clouds. It hasn’t fallen out of the sky. It hasn’t run away or been turned off. It’s still there and although the storm clouds can become daunting and terrifying as they hide the sun from view, they will eventually shift and you will find those beautiful rays of light peeking out once again.

Don’t let your struggle steal your happiness. Stay strong and find new ways to persevere. Remember those moments when you pushed through the pain and managed to wade through the darkness? Those are your strongest days. You would have never experienced such strength if you hadn’t been pushed so hard to find a way to survive.

And that’s what you are…a survivor!

You are not alone in this journey with MS. Brighter days will come. I can guarantee you that.

Oh, look…I think I just saw a little bit of sunlight peeking through the clouds. It’s a new day filled with new possibilities. You are going to make it!

4 replies
  1. Chris
    Chris says:

    YES!! After the day of bruises, leaks, struggles with bottle tops, balance…..we persevere through it all! YES, we are MS Warriors and we are giving hope to others who have NO IDEA how much we fight every day! You my dear are such an inspiration of JOY, Determination, Positive Outlook and more! Thank you! Here’s to a new day FILLED with all your desire! Blessings!


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