
Positive affirmations that will change your life

There’s so much evil happening in the world today that you don’t know who to trust due to the amount of disinformation taking place everywhere you turn. Sadly the spreaders of disinfo are determined to purposefully confuse, agitate and divide people. Don’t let their words and actions negatively impact you.

Whether you’re dealing with stress, need a confidence boost, or simply want to give yourself a pep talk, positive affirmations are a powerful tool for rewiring your thoughts and shifting the chaos in your day. They are phrases that are meant to uplift and inspire you to be your best. Repeating self-selected phrases can do wonders for your day. I find if I read through some of my favorite ones, my day gets better. It doesn’t change my troubles, but it changes me and what I’m focusing on.

One of the beautiful things about affirmations is that they are super easy to work with and you can choose the ones that speak to you—whether you found them on a list or you made them up yourself. It’s important to look for affirmations that really resonate with you and the person you want to be. I find writing them on post-it notes and placing them around the house for me to see helps. I have some in my bathroom on the mirror, some on the refrigerator and some even in my van on the steering wheel.

Repeating positive affirmations, mantras, and meditations are all great ways to prime the brain to make a change. The point of affirmations isn’t to magically cast a spell on your life but rather to start shifting you into a more positive mindset so you’re better able to line up your thought to help clear the chaos around you.

It can be easy to get caught up in negative thought loops, but with a few personalized and empowering affirmations paired with some honest self-reflection, you can slowly but surely start to unlearn and reshape those patterns.

Some Positive Affirmations:

  1. I release all fear that tried to tell me I should be somewhere different.
  2. I need only focus on right here, right now.
  3. I can get through difficulties.
  4. I’m doing my best.
  5. I am enough.
  6. I offer myself rest and relaxation.
  7. I am deserving of my own love and care.
  8. I care for myself because I love myself.
  9. My self-care is a priority.
  10. I treat myself as I would a dear friend.
  11. I am so grateful to be alive.
  12. I’m going to have a great day.
  13. Today and every day I am blessed.
  14. No challenge is too great for me.
  15. I wake each morning with a smile.
  16. I am strong.
  17. I am capable of overcoming anything.
  18. I am resilient.
  19. I can get through hardship.
  20. I am a wonderful person.
  21. I love who I am.
  22. I am courageous.
  23. I learn and grow through difficulty.
  24. I always pick myself back up.
  25. I will press on and go forward.
  26. I release what no longer serves me.
  27. I am proud of myself.
  28. I am living with purpose.
  29. Every day is a gift.
  30. Every day I embody the best version of myself.

You didn’t cause multiple sclerosis in your life

You didn’t cause multiple sclerosis in your life by the foods you choose to eat or not eat, by the supplements you choose to take or not take, by the DMTs you choose to take or not take, or even by the prayers you choose to pray or not pray. You didn’t do anything wrong or even live a bad life that brought about such terrible circumstances. That’s all just a bunch of crap… and it makes you feel like crap as well. No one deserves to be made to feel like that.

You didn’t cause it, can’t control it, and can’t cure it. It’s not your fault if other people leave you because of your illness or even because of how you are dealing with it. It’s not your fault that you are sick. Don’t even let that thought take ahold of your heart.

You are so much more than MS. It’s something you have been diagnosed with… and that’s all. It’s not your name and not who you are. Don’t forget that.

You don’t have to hide the fact that you have MS in order to make others comfortable and you don’t have to be an inspiration to others every time you share your life story. Many times you just want to scream and wish others could see just how difficult an MS life is. They never see the pain that overwhelms you, the despair that sets in at such inopportune moments, the hopelessness you feel at times, or even the tears you wipe away when no one is around.

You’re allowed to stay in bed if you can’t get up to do anything but go to the bathroom. You’re allowed to have bad days. You’re allowed to wish life was different. You’re allowed to miss the old you and all the things you used to be able to do.

But one thing you have to do after a short time of pity-party moments is remind yourself just how amazing you actually are. Take a break from life, take a deep breath and take care of you. That’s not being selfish, that’s caring and being kind. As airlines like to remind us, it’s important to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others do the same because if you run out of air, it becomes a lot harder to help anyone, including yourself. Treat yourself as a friend.

Home should be your safe place, your sanctuary. Consider filling yours with what brings you joy, whether it’s live plants, pictures of happy memories, or art you love to look at and remember to smile. It always helps.

You will get through the tough times and come out with a strength that you never realized you had. You’re getting stronger even right now. Hang in there. You got this.