When opinions become facts
Knowledge can be powerful, but you can’t misinterpret a tiny glimpse of information about multiple sclerosis and then declare to the world that you know all about it… both the cause and a cure. Many people are even pushing their own products as support for their theories. It’s all a scam for get rich quackery. After all who else can make money today but the fakers and the takers.
Big pharma has been a great example. Push a product with no actual facts as a cure and people will buy it by the droves. No proof needed. Just spout off a few unapproved statistics and you’re gold… rolling in it that is.
To those online experts that talk about MS as if it’s cured I say…I wish you could live in my body for a day. You would quickly give up your degree in neurology. Oh, wait, you didn’t go to medical school. You got all your schooling from Uncle Fakealot and Dr Google. In that case, you need to fire Uncle Fakealot and even more importantly give up your university degree. 9 times out of 10 Dr. Google is WRONG.
But really, the internet isn’t what’s wrong. It’s people. We live in this weird period of time where people try to solve all of the world’s problems with bite-sized theories, unproven statistics and wacky medical solutions. Gone are the days of real knowledge. Opinions have become truth and everyone is an expert.
No one is wrong in how they go about living with MS. There are always things we could do better and new things to learn, but NEVER should we act as if we are the guru of all knowledge and wisdom regarding something as unknowable as MS and the human body, because we aren’t. Even doctors aren’t, they are all just practicing. That’s why their business is called a practice.
Don’t let anyone make you feel bad because they chose a different path than you. You be you and do what you know you need to do for yourself. You know your body better because you are the one actually living in it. Be unique, be crazy, make a mess, try new things, make mistakes, and even succeed…but most of all, hang onto the smiles around you and enjoy living.
There’s only one you and only one today, but there is a potential for lots of smiles to help you through this mess called life. Choose to find the smiles.
what a lovely and encouraging post. i’ve been using the “tag line” you be / do/ think you. as respectfully as i can.
i’m 14 in and i have no shame in saying i’m still reading, listening and learning. we know our bodies the best so lets all be us! keep smylin lol
keep laughing , surround yourself with love.
**Penelope i’ll be following up with a random comment
I like you tag line.
lol it’s great to end the pain in the but conversations.
penelope: your real life, informative, caring, sharing and loving posts help me more than you’ll ever know.
puts things in perspective and gives me “meat to chew on”.
— have you ever though of (with help) printing all them, putting in a binder
or just packets (easier) & selling them on your website?
— no special order, make it as simple & cost effective as possible OR……
— somehow offer a download that we can copy onto a zip drive thingy haha
and have like a staples print it for us.
– i have printed out so many . not only for myself
but to give family & friends in hopes the post will help them understand me & the MS monster 👹 better.
— you’re a such a special person and i feel blessed to have you “in my life” 🥰
That would actually be great. I have thought about it and even gathered up all the content, just haven’t put it together yet. Not sure of the route to go.