You’ve got this… facing difficult times with MS


I basically lived outdoors in the summer when I was growing up. My favorite places to go were the park and the local swimming pool. Each day I would walk miles and miles and think nothing of it, after all I was an adventurer and I’m am explorer.

I would visit my friend sometimes while I was out but would dread the walk to her house. To get there, I had to cross through Mr. Rupenthal’s field. Nothing wrong with that other than the fact that he had a horse who didn’t like people much.

I don’t know how, but every time I climbed the fence to start my trip through the field, if that horse was wandering in the field, he would hear me and come charging. I always tried to be really quiet…well, as quiet as a nine-year-old can be when attempting to be sneaky. The horse would chase me to the other side of the field nipping at me as I climbed over the fence to freedom.

I was always glad once I made it through to the other side. There was a sense of accomplishment I felt. Oh, the stories I had to tell once I made it home from my adventures through Mr. Rupenthal’s field. I would tell of the fear I felt and the things I saw, but mostly of the fact that I made it through to the other side.

We go through a lot of things in life, more than just fields of mean horses. If you look back, you have stories to tell of your own adventures in life. Some of those adventures are comical, some sad, some heartbreaking…but all tell of you making it through.

It’s the same with multiple sclerosis. You may be going through a difficult time right now, but the good thing is you are going through. Think back over your life at every difficult time you have faced. You have made it through each one. I’m sure there were moments you weren’t quite sure how or even if you would make it, but here you are as someone who has made it through.

Each person’s story is unique. Each one is filled with adventures and explorations of going through something. Oh, the fear you’ve faced, the uncertainty of whether you would see tomorrow, the scrapes and bruises you’ve experienced along the way, and the tears. The pain that follows is indescribable, misunderstood, and unpredictable.

Last week I went to bed early and woke up a few hours later confused, disoriented, weak and my whole body was trembling. I didn’t even have enough energy to sit up and transfer to my power chair so I could get a drink of water from the kitchen. It was a scary moment for me. I have had tremors that are bad but none that bad. I swallowed a few pills that help me with tremors but did it without a drink. They all went down okay, I tried to rest in hopes that I would wake up stronger. Thankfully I did fall back asleep and woke up with just minimal tremors! That’s a win for me. I make it.

You will get to the other side of the difficult times that you are in right now, and when you do, just think of the stories you will have to tell.  You’re an MS warrior going through…I like the sound of that. You are someone in motion, doing something even if it’s just waiting to the chaos to subside (which is doing something), but regardless you are going through…and tomorrow will be a new day filled with new possibilities. Pause and take a deep breath. You got this.

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