You deserve more and better things in your life
You deserve more and better things in your life than you realize even though multiple sclerosis seems to have gotten in the way of you being able to achieve it. You have it within you to be the leader of your own life.
Take a moment and think about how your friends make you feel. Do they lift you up, or do they bring you down? If you feel bad about yourself after hanging out with a certain person, it may be time to say goodbye. Believe in yourself enough to put on your crown and hold your head high. You can’t wear your crown with your head down. Wrong friends will do that to you.
Learn to love yourself. There will be times you will have to apologize and forgive yourself for not being kind to YOU. Sad to say, you are your own worst enemy. Give yourself a pep talk by speaking positively to the situation. Words have power. If you keep thinking you’re a failure, that’s exactly what you’ll become. If you keep telling yourself you’re going to make it, you eventually will. That’s because our perception creates our reality.
Be kind to yourself. Never apologize for living your life your way. To expect no difficulties in life, whether through your own actions or sheer circumstances, is unrealistic. Difficult times happen. Allow yourself time to really look at your situations for what they are. Develop a habit of self-reflection. Try to quiet your mind and get rid of your biases first.
Do you speak to yourself by putting yourself down? Think about it…do you call yourself names out loud? Names like stupid, idiot, or worse? My mom used to say if you don’t have anything nice or useful to say, don’t say it. That includes how you speak to yourself. Try this: before you criticize yourself, think of 3 genuine compliments you can give instead. You’ll start feeling great about yourself. Try to talk to yourself like someone you love.
Prepare for a journey.