Entries by Penelope Conway

Make the best of life when it throws lemons at you

Don’t lose hope. There is still a lot of good to come from your life. You are very much needed. You are not a mess. Because of you, someone’s day will be brighter. They will see you making it even though you’re in the middle of an impossibility and be encouraged by your strength. It’s time to square your shoulders back and hold your head up high. Don’t underestimate your value. Make the best of life when it throws lemons at you and show the world just how amazing you really are.

Words from my heart

People use phrases about MS that once were amazing but not so much anymore. Personally I’m not comforted with statements like: I have MS but MS doesn’t have me. That’s so overused that I don’t even listen to the person sharing it. The reality is sometimes MS does have me.

I will never sugar coat my life with MS

Have you ever had one of those days when you wished you could just curl up into a ball and hide away under the covers in bed because life was simply too much, too crazy and too overwhelming to bear? That was me yesterday. I woke up in tears… literally. That happens to me from time to time, only yesterday it hit me really hard. Harder than usual.

You didn’t cause multiple sclerosis in your life

You didn’t cause multiple sclerosis in your life by the foods you choose to eat or not eat, by the supplements you choose to take or not take, by the DMTs you choose to take or not take, or even by the prayers you choose to pray or not pray. You didn’t do anything wrong or even live a bad life that brought about such terrible circumstances. That’s all just a bunch of crap… and it makes you feel like crap as well. No one deserves to be made to feel like that.

Whether you win or lose, at least you know who you are

I actually struggle with a daily life of multiple sclerosis and all the unpredictable circumstances that threaten to overwhelm me. Some days I struggle just to get out of bed in the morning. Many times I don’t feel like doing the things I know I need to do which means they don’t get done. Lately for one reason or another MS has been winning the struggle.

A fearless warrior

It makes me sad to think about all of the turmoil and chaos that is surrounding us in the world today. No matter where you are, you can’t seem to get away from it. It’s in front of you when you turn on the news, when you get online to try and find something worth reading, and even when you turn on the radio for a pick-me-up song. Such despair and uncertainty abounds.