Make the best of life when it throws lemons at you


It’s really nice when my couch lets me out of the house. I try to spend time outside on nice days. Not a lot of time, especially if it’s hot out, but right now it’s still cool in the mornings so that’s always a pleasant time for me. Yesterday, I was able to get out and enjoy a bit of sunshine which was a nice welcomed treat for me.

As I was sitting on my back patio, I noticed lots of new flowers starting to bloom. There was a sweet smell of honeysuckle in the air and the birds were singing their songs from high up in the trees. Everything seemed alive. There was no traffic, no busy people, no distractions, just a calm and peaceful morning for me to enjoy.

I noticed one flower in particular that looked somewhat out of place tucked away in the corner of the yard, but amazingly beautiful with a brilliant mixture of red and orange colors. Maybe it was the way the morning breeze was blowing against the flower’s pedals or maybe it was just my imagination, but I am almost sure that I saw that flower stand taller as I watched it. It seemed to square its shoulders back and hold its head high as if to say, “Good morning, I’m glad you’re here!”

The thing that made this flower’s beauty stand out more than anything else in the yard was the fact that it was growing right in the middle of a compost pile…forgotten and alone…sitting in a pile of broken down waste and scraps.

Have you ever heard the saying “bloom where you’re planted?” Well, this flower was doing just that. It could have decided that life was simply too hard and given up on ever becoming anything of use, it could have decided to bury itself even deeper into the compost pile and hidden itself away forever, it could have decided to keep its beauty from ever being seen by me or anyone else, but this flower was determined to shine…and shine it did.

That flower decided to push its way through all the crap it was given and become a thing of beauty regardless of where it was stuck in life. No one but me, a few birds that were fluttering about in the trees nearby, and maybe a worm or two saw its beauty, but if only for us, it fulfilled its purpose! That one flower gave me a smile. It made a difference.

You may feel like that flower today, like you’re stuck in a stinky, smelly, horrific pile of crap, yet no matter how ugly or smelly things may be in your life, all that junk has an incredible way of producing amazing things of beauty. It may look like garbage to you, but to me, I see something incredible. I see a beautiful you in the making. I see a strength rising up that says just watch me shine…I’m going to make it.

Don’t lose hope. There is still a lot of good to come from your life. You are very much needed. You are not a mess. Because of you, someone’s day will be brighter. They will see you making it even though you’re in the middle of an impossibility and be encouraged by your strength. It’s time to square your shoulders back and hold your head up high. Don’t underestimate your value. Make the best of life when it throws lemons at you and show the world just how amazing you really are.

7 replies
  1. Colleen Perryman
    Colleen Perryman says:

    Thank you Penelope. Before I read this, I was feeling like a pile of crap. Since reading it, I feel like the flower. Hugs to you. Keep doing what you’re doing. You brightened at least one person’s day.

  2. Tiffany Lanthier
    Tiffany Lanthier says:

    And I’am the third person who you made me smile 🙂 seriously I was having one of those moments that the the list of things that needed to be done was a horrible pile of crap and I didn’t want to tackle one of those projects… But Ms Penelope changed my thinking again and now I see the tall flower and I will perceive!!! 🙂 🙂
    Your the best Penelope and thank you from the bottom of my heart 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Claire Lightley
    Claire Lightley says:

    Oh my, your words mean SO much especially just now when just washing my hair has reduced me into that compost heap. But no – I WILL be that flower! Thank you, thank you, thank you … your words are full of comfort.


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