MS progression… what is it?


I try my best to stay active because I know there will come a day when my body will be limited in the things it can do. My multiple sclerosis progression has definitely been a hinderance to me. I’m not looking forward to seeing more limitations taking place. That’s not being a pessimistic person but just letting you know the real things about MS. The word progression sounds like a good thing but progression means the disease advances and worsens over time. You don’t want it to progress.

For me, I used to be right handed. Not just in writing things down, but with everything I did. I was more skillful using my right hand. Now I have been forced to use my left hand. It has taken a lot of practice to teach myself how to write things down in a legible manner. I even had to relearn how to use a fork and spoon with my left hand. I still spill quit a bit of food on myself while eating but I’ve gotten better at eating without making a mess.

I had developed a tailbone pressure sore from prolonged sitting. It took lots of work with a physical therapist and using a better seat cushion to help remedy the problem. I already had a great air cushion in my powerchair but I needed something for my recliner and even my bed. After getting a gel seat cushion much of the issue was corrected. Thankfully I never developed skin breakdown near my tailbone area, but it was definitely sore to the touch.

The weakness in my legs have been getting worse and I have to be extra cautious when attempting to stand for longer than a few minutes. Just yesterday I fell when trying to transfer to my powerchair from my lift recliner. Trying to complete a stand-pivot was more than my legs could handle. Giving the floor a hug was not part of my plan for the day.

I drop things more than I hold onto them. I try so hard too. I no longer assume my hands will co-operate with me. Even trying to drink from a cup can cause me to spill it all over the place. That’s not an enjoyable experience especially when the drink is hot. Can I sue myself for injuries due to burning hot coffee? I don’t think that would work though.  It would end up being a settlement for pain and suffering and only result in a better sippy cup.

Other MS progressions that have increased for me over the years include vision issues with depth perception being one of he worst I’ve experienced, balance and coordination difficulties making simply sitting up without falling over a problem, being able to chew and swallow my food ends up in a choking struggle, bladder issues requiring the removal of my bladder to make life easier for me to manage, impaired sensory function making it imperative to be more watchful when doing everything especially when it comes to cooking and showering. I have burned myself from a hot shower more than from hot coffee.

But although MS is continually progressing you find you’re having to adjust life in ways you simply didn’t want. Some of those changes hurt and some are easy, but never let the fact that you have to make a change get you down. Realize that changes are going to happen and decide to just go with the flow.

Embrace the changes no matter how hard or significant of a change they are. You will find that over time the addition of tools to help you through your day or the removal of things that have the potential of making life more difficult is not something to be afraid of. Change is okay. It doesn’t make you less of a person because you need added tools or different things to help you out. You are amazing just as you are no matter what you can or can’t do, or what equipment is needed in the process.

7 replies
  1. Tiffany Lanthier
    Tiffany Lanthier says:

    You have the best attitude my dear Penelope 🙂 🙂 Yes life with MS is very unpredictable and just going with my “new normal” is something that not everyone can do but I can’t be mad or upset of my “new normal” I am a true fighter and I said 33 years ago when I found out that I had MS I said MS will never ever win!!! I just get to live life different from others… Ms Penelope you have helped me so much, it’s crazy, the BIGGEST THANK YOU!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Beatrix Huber aka Regina
    Beatrix Huber aka Regina says:

    Well what can I say, Penelope? You’re right with everything you wrote. I wish it were different, but we for sure have to adapt to constantly changing circumstances as our MS worsens, that’s right. But we’ll make it work. We’re not dead. We want to lead a good life, with limitations okay, but a good life. We’re only ill, that’s it. I love this post of yours, Penelope. I’m sorry life is giving you such a hard treatment. Sending hugs across the big pond.

  3. Janet Stanzel
    Janet Stanzel says:

    Thank you for always saying it like it is!
    Your glass is half full attitude is always welcome at this MSers table. Here’s hoping that your “about to spill sippy cup” is just waiting for a refill when it decides to give the floor or your lap a little visit


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