
I seem to be allergic to multiple sclerosis

The immune system is made up of a complex and vital network of cells and organs that are created to protect the body from infection. Their entire purpose is to defend the body and keep bacteria, viruses and fungi out, and to destroy any infectious microorganisms that try to invade the body.

Growing up I never had an allergic reaction to anything. Food, bug bites, hot or cold weather, animals, dust mites, pollen, or drugs. The only thing I was allergic to was poison oak. It always seemed to spread by me just looking at it. I didn’t have to actually touch it… or in my childs mind I didn’t. Once I had gotten such a bad case that spread all over my face even causing my eyes to swell shut for a few days. After a visit to the doctor, some meds and lots of calamine lotion, all was well.

Since multiple sclerosis has taken up residence in my body, I have discovered that certain foods cause me to have increased symptoms like expanded weakness, spreading of numbness beyond the normal residual symptom from my initial MS troubles years ago, visual disturbances that have a tendency to keep me from being able to properly read emails without double vision, dizziness that meclizine doesn’t seem to help with. For me, over time, I have discovered those foods and know which ones to avoid. Each person has to find their own foods to avoid. It will always be different person to person.

I have also discovered my difficulties in balancing. I fall over trying to sit up. I can no longer do as my mom always said… ‘sit up straight and keep your elbows off the table.’ I simply can’t seem to do it unaided. I have cognitive problems too unlike anything I had before. I used to be able to read an in depth computer manual and be able to code computer programs based on what I had read without difficulty. Now I can’t put a line of code down without constantly looking at every cheatsheet available.

It just seems like every new symptom shows up out of nowhere and has a tendency to hang around for a long, long time… sometimes forever. I have also discovered certain drugs now give me an allergic reaction and I have to be watchful of them. My body just doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with my own body.

One thing I told the doctor is that I found I was allergic to ice packs. They always turn my skin red…(grin). I can’t get through a summer without them. They help me survive the heat. I’m also allergic to a lack of humor. There’s not enough smiles, giggles and laughter in the world of the chronically ill. You do know that it’s okay to laugh, don’t you?!

Over the years I have found that I need to take things slow and listen more closely to my body. It always seems to talk louder than I wish it would but thankfully it speaks up. Sometimes it’s the only reason I feel as good as I do. My body isn’t perfect. I fall down too much, pain visits way too often, confusion happens and brain fog seems to have taken up permanent residency. And although I wish life was different, it’s still mine and I refuse to give up.

You can’t give up on your life either. MS makes things complicated but not impossible. Impossible says it all… I’m possible.

Just like you. You’re possible too.

A monster called multiple sclerosis

Growing up I remember being afraid of monsters. They lived under my bed and were going to eat me. I had to make sure not to hang my feet or hands over the side of my bed while I slept. Somehow my magic blanket protected me. It seems monsters are afraid of blankets.

As a grown up, my monsters changed. They still try to scare me but in different ways. I have to be sure to keep my heart and mind protected from their scare tactics. That’s where they try to gain control over me.

Fear is a powerful thing. It can paralyze you and steal your peace.  I found the biggest thing when it comes to monsters is to be careful in how you look at them. The monster called multiple sclerosis had crept into my life and tried every tactic it could to scare me and keep me from living.

What if I end up in a wheelchair? What if I die early? What about all the pain and uncomfortable moments that will happen? So many unanswered question that have a potential of scaring anyone living with a chronic illness. But the what if’s aren’t guaranteed and most of the time they don’t happen as bad as thought or even at all.

At first fear was good at keeping me from doing things that could hurt me but then I realized I was able to do more than I thought. The only voice I should be listening to is the one in my own heart. No more shadowy whispers or monster growls to keep me from doing things or from being myself.

Haven’t we all allowed fear, at one time or another, to become bigger than the reality of life itself? As a child, I allowed fear to take from me, but what was I truly afraid of? A monster, a shadow? Really?

There’s always going to be monsters in this world. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re facing but I promised myself I would never let monsters scare the life out of me again. And that’s how I live my life. Just remember that it’s ok to be sad and it’s okay to be afraid.

I still catch myself thinking, “There is always tomorrow. And what will tomorrow bring? Will it have monsters and creatures and scary shadows?” I can’t tell you what tomorrow will bring… but tomorrow doesn’t have to be scary when hope is lighting the way.

Life won’t be easy with MS but it’s worth it

When you get diagnosed with multiple sclerosis it seems like the world has come to an ended. For me it was something I knew nothing about. I had gone to the hospital because I couldn’t feel a good portion of my face, my vision was blurred and my right leg was going numb. I had an MRI and a spot was found on my brain that concerned the neurologist but he couldn’t determine what it was. He said I needed to be checked out in a few months to find out if I had a tumor or what was happening.

At that time I was in the middle of moving to Florida so I was hoping it was something that would just go away and my move would be uneventful. When I got to Florida it was 3 days later and I had lost vision in my left eye, was in a constant state of vertigo, the numbness of my right left was significant and had migrated to my right arm, was in the beginning stages of an MS hug and my world was coming to an end for sure.

I called a neurologist as soon as I arrived in Florida and amazingly they had an opening for me to come in. A second set of MRIs were done along with a spinal tap and a few days later the neurologist had the results. He sat down with me and said, the MRI shows over 6 spots in the brain and over 10 in the spine. I’m sorry to tell you but, you have multiple sclerosis.

I wasn’t given any information from the neurologist about what MS is, what can be done about it, NOTHING other than he said to me, “You will probably have a benign case.” What? Then he said, we will start you on Rebif and see how things go as we try to slow the progression down. That was that.

I was left on my own to figure things out and because I went to the doctor by myself I didn’t know what to ask or what to do. It was such a horrible feeling to do everything by myself. I left in a whirlwind and numb to the core.

Afterwards I dedicated myself to digging for answers and empowered myself through asking tons of questions even the hard hitting questions. After going to support groups and leaving feeling worse than when I arrived, I decided to reach out to others online with encouragement and my own odd sense of sarcastic humor rather than doctor speak and AA meeting type get togethers. I figured if I’m feeling lost and out of place then others may be too and we all just need to know that we aren’t alone. That was 10 years ago and although MS was well known, it wasn’t known enough by the public or even the doctors that are helping people with MS to cope.

It’s true that life won’t be easy afterwards. I prayed a lot and cried a lot but I made it through with a strength I never knew I had. Isn’t that weird how that happens? You don’t know you have something until you need it… and then, there it is.

You can get through anything life throws at you. I know you can. When everything crumbles down it give you a chance to build something spectacular out of the ashes. I guess the whole world is made up of things coming together and things falling apart. You never know what you may have. You may have beauty in the midst of your ashes.

Don’t lock yourself up distancing yourself from others. It seems like that would be the easy way to do things… to just shut yourself up and pull away. That’s our natural defense mechanism as humans. We build walls to protect our heart, but in the end, we find that the very walls we build are actually keeping away the people we need most.

Take a sledge hammer to that wall, start chiseling away at the concrete even if it will only remove one brick. Keep chiseling one brick at a time. That’s progress in the making.

Reach outside of yourself and do something for others. I find that when I am helping someone else in need, I forget about my own needs. It almost makes my struggle seem not so big. So, my challenge to you is to step out and touch someone. Do something to give back to others. Find a place where you can volunteer – a cause or an organization you believe in – and give all that you can of yourself, your talents, your time.

Sometimes we just need to step out of our own pain to realize that everyone has pain, and some are struggling even more than you are. A change in perspective can be the very thing that begins crumbling the walls and opening your life for a new found hope for tomorrow.

Me, MS, or why I can’t just get over it

Multiple sclerosis depression… it’s a real thing and it happens. Not even the happiest, peppiest, most positive person in the world is exempt from it’s effects. It can sneak up on anyone. It’s not known exactly why multiple sclerosis has a higher rate of depression than other chronic illnesses, but it’s believed to be caused by changes in the brain’s functionality along with the emotional stresses of unexpected progression, loss of mobility, pain, social isolation, and financial struggles.

Those of us living with MS are fighting our bodies every second of every day. At times, we feel as if we have slipped into a raging river and the current is pulling us under as we fight the rapids in order to pull our head up far enough to get a breath of air only to sink yet again. We find ourselves lying in our bed with tears flowing, completely worn out, weary, and with  awful thoughts spinning out of control.

All those “what if” thoughts, doubts, fears, and questions flood our minds. They have a way of overtaking even the smallest amount of hope we have left and leaving us with only a tiny strand of hope to pull us up to safety.

That has happened to me more than once. During those times, I find myself feeling alone and worthless in a world that doesn’t seem to understand me, MS, or why I can’t just get over it. It always catches me off guard almost as if I got sucked into a vortex filled with every mixed up emotion imaginable and it pulls me deeper into the abyss of depression. It’s not easy pulling yourself out of such turmoil and confusion. This kind of thing it invisible to the rest of the world, so they just don’t get it.

What I have learned most during those awful, vulnerable times in my life is that I need someone there with me to help me process those crazy random thoughts that I find bouncing around in my brain…not with advice, opinions, or judgements, but with a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a box of tissues near by. Oh, and maybe some ice cream or chocolate.That somehow always helps.

Don’t beat yourself up just because you are having a bad day, week, month or even year. Depression is real and sometimes it’s really, REALLY hard to overcome. It takes guts to talk with your doctor, friend, counselor, spouse, or family member about what’s going on inside your head and heart.

Don’t allow guilt to creep in and cause you to think that you can’t open up about what’s going on. Sometimes we need help to weed through everything that’s going on in our life in order to find hope once again. And just so you know, seeking help is not a sign of weakness. It takes great courage to admit you have a need.

Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes that’s the hardest step you will ever take…but you can do it. I know you can!

Words from my heart

Some people live their lives in the Land of Clichés and Memes. What are they you ask? Well, a cliché is a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought and a meme (rhymes with team) is a humorous or thought provoking image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

One thing to note…technically all clichés are memes but not all memes are clichés.

I have noticed a trend in people using phrases when talking about multiple sclerosis. Words that once were amazing, but have become so common that they no longer provide the strength they originally carried. Things like:

It could be worse.
Time heals all wounds.
Everything happens for a reason.

Personally, when I’m feeling bad and having a terrible time with MS, I’m not comforted with statements like: I have MS but MS doesn’t have me. That is one phrase that has become so overused that I don’t even listen to the person sharing it. It’s not comforting to me. It was cute the first time I heard it, but now that it has been so overused and worn out, it gives no benefit to my life.

The reality is…sometimes, MS does have me. Sometimes, I have really crappy days. Don’t get me wrong, I totally believe in staying on the positive side of things and looking for the good in any tragic situation, but there are times when I need space to think and grieve, and to decide for myself how I want to move forward. I don’t need words carelessly tossed out as a solution by someone who’s not even listening to the words they are throwing out.

Seriously, if you’ve ever shared a cliché or meme in response to someone dealing with a relapse or sitting in the hospital awaiting test results because you want to bring comfort to them, I urge you to never do it again. Why? Because in a moment of tears, they need time to process the chaos and would get more benefit out of a hug than a worn out set of stale words.

Why not just use your own words? The best thing anyone could say when times are at their worst are words from the heart. And for many, saying nothing at all, simply being there is all a person needs. Standing with them in the pain and holding them up when they have no more strength left to stand on their own… that does more than worn out words.

Instead of quoting from something you’ve heard over and over again, thoughtfully put together your own words filled with care, understanding, sincerity, and lots and lots of love. That’s what brings comfort. That’s what helps bring smiles to a face covered in tears. Well, that and maybe a joke or two to break the moment with a laugh…and some chocolate. Chocolate always helps.

You’ve made it this far in life with multiple sclerosis

You’ve made it this far in life living with multiple sclerosis, so what makes you think you will fall short of your goals now? Whether they are goals of being able to care for yourself, goals of using your muscles to get around without burdening others, or goals of hanging on to sanity in a crazy mixed up world.

You have had your fair share of those who delight in foreseeing problems in your life because of MS. Those who actually enjoy criticizing any failures you’ve dealt with regardless of the cause, and freely voicing their opinions while dwelling in the comfortable safety of theory, unbelief and inactivity.

Words, words, and more worthless words have been used against you along your journey. When will you finally decide to believe in the beauty of who you are? When will you choose to laugh at all those silly careless words that have been spoken against you and toss those words away… rising above the shadows that loom in the distance?

If it is safety you want, then you will do far better by removing any distractions or obstacles in your way so you can follow your heart. Has experience not taught you this. Besides, warriors like us have always seen safety in a different light than those who try to make a living out of exploiting the disabled. Yes, those people do exist.

Laugh at the threats that come your way. Laugh and get on with enjoying your life. I do. Follow your heart and follow your dreams… you have great ones to follow.

It Takes a Village to Navigate This Life with Multiple Sclerosis

Do you know that old saying “It takes a village to raise a child”? Well, I happen to know for a fact that it takes a village to navigate this life with multiple sclerosis.

I was always an independent person. One of those “I can do it by myself” kind of people. I could change the oil in my car, repair a leaking pipe under the house, open those impossible pickle jars and move furniture without even breaking a sweat. Having to shift that type of independence after MS came along was really hard for me.

I found that I needed help getting to appointments because my eyesight and motor function had decreased making it unsafe for me to drive myself, especially if going long distances.

I needed reminders (albeit sometimes annoying) for some of the simplest things in life like “be sure to set your trash out today for pick-up.” Something I wouldn’t have forgotten in times past.

I needed help pulling wet clothes out of the washing machine because my hands just could’t properly grip the wet clothes. Then folding the clothes and towels once they were dry would take me hours to complete.

I found that there were tons of things I needed help with. As an independent, I-can-do-it-myself kind of person, that was not an easy thing for me to come to terms with but it has gotten easier over time. I can still be a bit stubborn, but I know my limits and reach out when I know I need help.

If I can enlarge my circle of support, I am always willing to give it a try. I was even talking to my neighbor yesterday about calling on her if I have trouble opening those easy-to-open packages that aren’t really easy to open or when I can’t get a pill bottle open. She was more than happy to be asked to help out.

One thing I found to be extremely important is to let those that are helping you out know just how much you appreciate what they are doing. If they know you value their support, care, and love, it gives them a sense of purpose and they know that the things they do matter. Even the small things like picking up the mail or stopping by for a chat should never be taken for granted.

People need to know the time they put in to helping you makes a difference. They may say you don’t need to thank them, but thank them anyway. It always matters.

I have had some people that would always drag me down with their know-it-all advice and negative attitude, but do you know what I did? I cut my ties with them. Sometimes that is the healthiest thing you can do. MS is not any easy things to deal with and you don’t need any added stress to your day making things worse. Set up boundaries and don’t back down.

Surround yourself with positive people that lift you up. You deserve to be happy.

The Holidays are upon us

The Holidays are upon us and I want to let you know that I will be taking a break for the remainder of the year. Expect my blog posts to restart again early 2023. I will still be sparingly on Facebook and Twitter during this time. You can’t get rid of me entirely. (Grin)

I deserve this break and remember you deserve it too. I will be spending my time…

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year to all.
I’ll see you soon.