
A year of new beginnings

There are resolutions we set all throughout the year: For a car or house payment to be made on time, for medications to be taken as prescribed, for being good to yourself… so many things. They are thought of more as commitments, but they are resolutions. When I looked it up in the dictionary, a resolutions is a promise to yourself to do or to not do something.

For me I work to make sure my bed is made every morning. It’s just something I have done since I was little and not making it kind of sets me on edge. I will make sure I do the work even when I’m feeling miserable. I also make sure I use my calendar to help me keep my finances in order, set schedules to make sure my nails get trimmed and my hair is cut, and also plan my house cleaning is small sections at a time. This way eventually everything gets cleaned no matter how immobile I become. It’s taken a lot of trial and error but eventually I have made a system that works for me.

Keeping a resolution involves several strategies to ensure you maintain motivation and commitment. If there is something you want to do better in 2025, here are some practical steps to help you get there.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Be Specific: Instead of “I want to lose weight,” say “I will lose 10 pounds in 3 months by exercising 3 times a week.”
Make it Attainable: Ensure your goals are within your capability to avoid discouragement.

2. Break It Down

Divide your resolution into smaller, manageable tasks. For example, if your resolution is to read more, set a goal to read 20 pages each night.

3. Plan and Schedule

Create a Timeline: Use a calendar or planner to schedule when you’ll work on your resolution.
Routine: Incorporate your new habit into your daily routine to make it a part of your life.

4. Track Your Progress

Use apps, journals, or visual charts to keep track of your progress. Seeing how far you’ve come can be motivating.

5. Accountability

Buddy System: Find a friend or family member with a similar goal or who can support you. Sharing your progress can increase commitment. Sometimes, telling others about your resolution can add an extra layer of accountability.

6. Reward Yourself

Set up small rewards for achieving milestones. These should be positive reinforcements like a movie night or a small treat, not counterproductive to your goal.

7. Be Flexible

Life happens, and sometimes you might slip. Don’t view this as a failure but as a part of the journey. Adjust your plan if necessary without giving up on the overall goal.

8. Understand Your Motivations

Keep reminding yourself why you set this resolution. Whether it’s for health, happiness, or personal growth, recalling your “why” can reignite your drive.

9. Learn from Setbacks

Instead of getting discouraged by setbacks, analyze what led to them and how you can avoid similar situations in the future.

10. Positive Reinforcement

Use positive affirmations or motivational quotes. Sometimes, a little self-talk can go a long way in keeping you on track.

11. Review and Adjust

Periodically review your progress. If something isn’t working, adjust your strategy rather than abandoning the resolution.

Remember, the key is consistency over perfection. Every day you stick to your resolution, even in small ways, counts towards building a new habit or achieving your goal. If you find yourself struggling, revisit your plan, and don’t hesitate to seek support from others. Happy New Year, and here’s to achieving your 2025 resolutions!

Are you feeling better?

The hardest and most difficult question for me to answer isn’t “Would it serve you well to trust people more than you do, or to be more careful of whom you trust?” Although that seems to be a simple question to answer, it’s still nowhere near as difficult of a question to respond to as being asked “Are you feeling better?”

I don’t know if people realize how difficult being asked such a question is for someone living with a chronic progressive illness. Am I feeling better than what? How I was feeling yesterday? Last year? Five minutes ago?

It’s not like I have the flu or a broken arm which mends over a short period of time. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease. That means it doesn’t go away just because I went to bed early, had a ten minute break at work, took two aspirin in the morning, or deny its existence.

MS is something I will have for the rest of my life. It causes physical limitations, weakness, debilitating fatigue, numbness, paralysis, constant emotional strain, cognitive problems and a whole host of other difficulties.

I am sick with a disease that, to this day, has no known cure and will only get worse as time passes. You see, my immune system is literally on a revenge attack against my own body causing chaos in my Central Nervous System. It is attacking the nerves throughout my brain and spine and eating them like they are hot wings at a tailgate party. It affects every part of who I am.

As of today, this disease is forever a part of my life no matter what you read from Dr. Google, hear from a friend or learn from a brochure at a doctor’s office. My hope is that one day things will change for the better and MS will become a thing of the past and each day scientist grow closer to finding ways to ease the pain we all face, but today isn’t that day.

I have moments when both the physical and emotional pain in my life are overwhelming. But I also have times when I can manage everything quite well as I hide my struggle behind a smile. I have been known to cry, scream and even question my own existence especially when I find myself being judged, stared at in public, and losing friendships all because of how MS is affecting me, my emotional makeup and my everyday functionality.

But regardless of everything I am going through…no matter what happens or how down I may feel…I keep fighting. Today I woke up in a war that seems to have no end. Imagine a life lived under continual sniper fire, surrounded by hidden landmines ready to explode with each step you take and hand grenades being thrown at you for no apparent reason.

Sometimes I am weak and can’t even find the strength or ability to think past simply knowing my name. Times when MS wins as it punches me in the stomach and takes my breath away. But even on my worst days when I feel so utterly useless and weak, I refuse to quit.

I may never “feel better” like so many people want me to, but this battle isn’t over no matter what the day brings and neither is my life. I am simply living it differently than most people. It’s a new day and I have a new chance to make a difference in this world. Each one of us do. Use today to show the world what real strength is and what true warriors look like. You are my hero. You are an MS Warrior!

A multiple sclerosis life can be challenging

I woke up this morning uninspired by the coming days. I got my coffee and thought about what I had to do for the week. Not one of my favorite things because I know it’s going to be hard days ahead. A part of my lawn needs to be tilled and grass seed planted to remove the centipede grass that has taken over from the neighbors yard. My lawn is Bermuda grass. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow so I want to get it done before the rain. The seeds will need the water.

I also have a section of lawn in the front yard that has settled making a hilly part in that area a bit wonky. I need to dig up a portion of it, level the earth there, and replant the unearthed grass. It should be easy right? Ugh, wrong.

My legs don’t hold me up well and using my old powerchair that I use for gardening work is not that easy to use for the hard work ahead. My hands don’t work well either so it’s going to be a comical mess. I’m trying to psych myself up for it.

The thing I have to remember is that I’m not invincible and can’t do things as I could in the past. So what gets done, great! But be sure to give myself some grace as I go and don’t be too hard on myself for things not going as planned. That’s the actual hard part.

In my mind I should be able to do it, but I know my body will fail me along the way, and that’s okay. If I could hire a gardener, I would. That’s a given. But the work is up to me complete. Sometime that’s the hardest part… overcoming my bodily limitations and being okay with the outcome.

I must always pay close attention to how much I’m pushing myself and the added demands I’m placing on my body. It’s okay to take breaks and rest when needed but to always come back with renewed energy and determination. A multiple sclerosis life can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that we are all capable of overcoming obstacles.

Although I can’t plan for every hurdle I might encounter, understand that a slow but consistent effort is vital to rebuilding my strength and nurturing my body.

At times like these I’m reminded of the following quote…

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out –
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

– Edgar A. Guest


I’m ready for a new year

It’s hard to believe that a new year is here. It’s a new year, a new day, I have a fresh cup of coffee… but same ole body. Hmm, that didn’t go as planned. I guess you can’t have everything you wish for. I tried wishing for a million dollars too but that didn’t work out for me either. I still have the same bills, house payments, piles of dirty laundry, and still have multiple sclerosis to battle.

We have all come through some crazy moments and stumbled through them into another year. Maybe things didn’t go as you wanted, but you made it. Now, that’s something to celebrate along with all the fireworks, champaign bottles and shouts of Happy New Year.

I can see a lot of good in the bad. Yes, there were some not-so-good days, some terrible days, and some downright terrifying ones… but if I truly look, I can see past those times and find the good. Days that made me smile instead of cry. 2024 can be filled with those kinds of days too. Be determined to find the good in the days, weeks and months ahead… even in the pain and the struggle.

Multiple sclerosis is not an easy disease to live with, but neither is the disease of negative thinking. Choose this coming year to live each day looking for the good. Even if there is only one tiny spec of good in a day, choose to find that one spec and hold onto it. It will make your year ahead greater than you ever imagined.

Some people have asked me if I have a resolution for the new year and the only answer I have is that I plan to be a better person than the person I was yesterday. That’s my plan for every day. I make many mistakes along the way in life. Some hurt me, some hurt others, and some have no consequences other than the fact that things could have been handled better.

There are some things I have learned about life along the way. The key is the keep learning. That is the key to life. That is what makes things the most enjoyable. And that is what helps us to progress and improve.

  1. Perfection doesn’t exist, stop looking for it.
  2. It’s not your job to make everyone happy, cut your losses and go.
  3. Choose to spend your time with people who lift you up.
  4. Kindness makes you a better person. Be kind — always.
  5. Only you are the person who can change your life.
  6. Don’t sweat the small stuff. 99.9% of the stuff in life is small.
  7. Living with MS is not a competition. Really, it’s not.
  8. Don’t spend too much time in negative environments. You can drown that way.
  9. People may never understand your pain, don’t hold it against them.
  10. You never have to deal with more than one moment at a time.
  11. Getting truly organized can vastly improve anyone’s life.
  12. Revenge is for the petty and irresponsible.
  13. If anything is worth splurging on, it’s a high-quality mattress. You’ll spend a third of your life using it.
  14. Most of what children learn from their parents isn’t taught on purpose.
  15. Problems, when they arise, are rarely as painful as the experience of fearing them.
  16. Life is a solo trip, but you’ll have lots of visitors. Some of them are long-term, most aren’t.
  17. Wishing things were different is a great way to torture yourself.
  18. The ability to be happy is nothing other than the ability to come to terms with how things change.

My Multiple Sclerosis Seussical World

I don’t know what Dr. Seuss book I fell out of, but this weird little word world still has me tongue-tied and inspired by his insane imagination. I really need to create my own multiple sclerosis dictionary with all my silly lingo words that get created when I flub up my speech… which happens often.

Wheely Thingy – rollator walker
Snippycut – scissors
Urmp – perplexed
Waddlewampuz – walkking crooked
Fatone – big toe
Phogo – mobile phone

“I like nonsense,” Dr. Seuss once said. “It wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”

That’s how I want to live my life. Ready to zip-a-dee-zoot and head out the door for my day filled with the impossible, wacky, and unknown happenings in my MS world. Here are few of his nuttiest little nuggets that’ll help you feel extra Seussical while you supp on green eggs and ham as you go about your MS  filled day.

In Hunches in Bunches, the line reads, “That mind of yours… is frightfully ga-fluppted. Your mind is murky-mooshy!” Reading it in context like that, it seems like that term is meant to be some kind of funky MS train of thought mixup. Seems about right.

In ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book! you are introduced to a three-Z creature “Zizzer-zazzer-zuzz”. It’s believed he has escaped from the zoo. He plays jazz on the zither and loves to eat Zizzer-Zoof seeds. I think “zizzer-zazzer-zuzz” can definitely sub in as the new “thingamajig.”

What wacky seussical words and phrases might apply to your MS life?

I can’t help but remember Dr. Seuss saying, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” I believe that whole heartedly. The problem is that most of us underestimate ourselves.

You are capable of more than what you think you are. All you need to do is believe in yourself and hang on as you navigate this weird and wacky MS seussical world. Yipity-zoo-za-zay.

Don’t let multiple sclerosis hold you back

I started a new home improvement project. My garage door needs new weatherstripping across the top and sides of the door. I researched the products I need and decided the cost is actually fairly low if I do it myself so I bought all the wood and screws needed.

Yesterday I started the first step in replacing the old weatherstripping. I bought four 1×3 boards that needed to be cut down to 1×2’s. I discovered in order to have a board exactly 1×2 I would have to cut them down myself. I laid the boards out in my backyard so I could use my circular saw to cut them down. I don’t have a fancy setup to hold the boards steady while I cut.

The bad thing is that my legs have problems maintaining my balance even while sitting. I set up a folding chair for me to sit in while I cut the boards, but I had trouble keeping the cut straight while I was working to balance myself. While I used the saw my legs kept slipping and I came close multiple times to falling over. My leg muscles are just very, very weak.

It was such a struggle. I was able to cut the 8 foot long boards about 12 inches at a time. I had to keep shifting the board down to keep on cutting the full length of the board. It took me so much longer than planned. After a pile of sawdust formed I had finished cutting them down. I felt so proud of myself. Next week I’m going to paint them white and a friend is going to come over to help me hang them around the garage door.

So far I feel so accomplished. I know there’s still a lot to do, but for me cutting the boards was the hardest part. I still have to pull the old boards off and sand the old wood before I can attached the new wood in the opening.

I think I make things hard for myself but I feel so good knowing that I am able to accomplish something myself. That’s the stubborn part of me. I have saved over $300 that I don’t have because I’m doing it myself. Multiple sclerosis has made it difficult, but not impossible. It’s almost like I have a challenge set before me and I have to prove to myself that I’m still capable. If I can’t do it, I will throw my hands up and surrender but I want to at least try before I give up.

Giving up like that does happen but so far I have been able to push through many challenges that MS has brought along. Falling over is not something I want to happen. It seems like such a small thing but it’s actually quite big. The time it takes for me to complete the project will take longer than it would have if I was stronger, but even the time delay is not going to hold me back.

Some of the most difficult things for me is doing anything that requires a steady hand. I can guarantee you that in your trying you are going to feel like a failure at some point…maybe even more than once or twice. But choose to be like Thomas Edison at those times. During his work on the lightbulb, he said “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”

You will find a way that works too! Whether you find a better way to improve your life or a new way to do something that others tell you (or even you tell yourself) can’t be done, keep trying. Don’t give up on living. Don’t give up trying. Don’t give up no matter how impossible or difficult things may get. Just don’t give up. You will find a way that works for you.

To appreciate the sunny days you have to go through the storms

Multiple sclerosis is going to give you troubles at some point in your life. All of us go through them but everyone faces it differently. Many times it feels like it’s a constant struggle. Other times you may get a reprieve and have a moment of sanity and calm.

I have discovered that troubles play an important part in our life. They give us a chance to view everything happening from a different perspective, a new vantage point, a changed mindset. It’s important to appreciate the sunny days ahead because there will be stormy ones for sure. Those torrential downpours can be dreadful and overwhelming. No one likes them, but of all things you get a chance to clean out the weed once they pop up.

For me I saw the commitments that I made needed to change in order to simplify my life because they were overtaking me. I discovered that I was doing them just so I could get recognition for it. That’s just me being honest about it. I wouldn’t have ever told anyone my motive, but deep down I knew it was true.

Someone else could do a better job but I wanted to do it myself. That was so selfish of me. Once I gave up my commitments and made way for someone else to step into the position, my time was available for other things and I found myself actually enjoying the job the other person was doing in my stead.

There is so much in life to be grateful for:

  • Having air to breathe
  • The feeling of the sun
  • The smell of flowers, fresh-cut grass, and trees
  • The people we have in our lives
  • To be alive
  • For a beautiful sunrise
  • For each new day
  • That today is probably not the worst day
  • For a hot cup of tea or coffee
  • For the hard times, because they will help us appreciate the good times
  • For failure, because it makes us stronger
  • For the body—it carries us through this life
  • To be able to learn new things
  • To have a place to sleep at night
  • For time to experience life
  • For simply existing
  • That you will get to live today and hopefully tomorrow, too
  • For health, even though it may not be perfect
  • For family

Change your perspective a little bit. Let the rain wash away your trials, burdensome commitments and undue stress so you can clean out the clutter and get a clearer view of life itself. Next time you have troubles, change your perspective. Let it rain so it can ease your troubles.

It’s all about your mentality. If you see multiple sclerosis as your problem, I’m sorry to say the problem has just started but if you think it as an opportunity to discover the importance of life, your opportunity has just started. Keep at it. Believe you can get through the struggles, overcome the chaos, and rise above the hardships…. little by little keep at it and as time passes you’ll find you are doing it. You are a survivor.

Next time you feel unappreciated, overwhelmed, alone and stressed remember you have a choice. You can wrap yourself up in excuses and self-pity, or you can choose to change your perspective and view the opportunities ahead that come through believing in yourself and getting rid of anything in your life that is holding you back. Just keep going… there’s a good future for you here once you get through the storm.


A monster called multiple sclerosis

Growing up I remember being afraid of monsters. They lived under my bed and were going to eat me. I had to make sure not to hang my feet or hands over the side of my bed while I slept. Somehow my magic blanket protected me. It seems monsters are afraid of blankets.

As a grown up, my monsters changed. They still try to scare me but in different ways. I have to be sure to keep my heart and mind protected from their scare tactics. That’s where they try to gain control over me.

Fear is a powerful thing. It can paralyze you and steal your peace.  I found the biggest thing when it comes to monsters is to be careful in how you look at them. The monster called multiple sclerosis had crept into my life and tried every tactic it could to scare me and keep me from living.

What if I end up in a wheelchair? What if I die early? What about all the pain and uncomfortable moments that will happen? So many unanswered question that have a potential of scaring anyone living with a chronic illness. But the what if’s aren’t guaranteed and most of the time they don’t happen as bad as thought or even at all.

At first fear was good at keeping me from doing things that could hurt me but then I realized I was able to do more than I thought. The only voice I should be listening to is the one in my own heart. No more shadowy whispers or monster growls to keep me from doing things or from being myself.

Haven’t we all allowed fear, at one time or another, to become bigger than the reality of life itself? As a child, I allowed fear to take from me, but what was I truly afraid of? A monster, a shadow? Really?

There’s always going to be monsters in this world. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re facing but I promised myself I would never let monsters scare the life out of me again. And that’s how I live my life. Just remember that it’s ok to be sad and it’s okay to be afraid.

I still catch myself thinking, “There is always tomorrow. And what will tomorrow bring? Will it have monsters and creatures and scary shadows?” I can’t tell you what tomorrow will bring… but tomorrow doesn’t have to be scary when hope is lighting the way.

Taking the easy way

I had a strange day the other day. I’ve been getting ready for a new living room set that I’m supper excited about. I purchased a blue sofa and love seat along with a beautiful glass top coffee table and matching end table. Most sofa sets are either grey, brown or beige so to find one that was a striking blue color called ink sold me on it. It’s a medium blue much like royal blue and it’s supper striking.

One of the pieces I’m excited to get is a motorized recliner which allows me to recline but also has a lift in the seat making it easier for me to get out of. It has a massage setting too and a way to plug my computer and phone in for charging. The greatest thing about it is that it’s made for someone over 6′ tall so it will be comfortable for me. No more having my feat hanging inches off the end of the foot rest.

I got a notice that the recliner had been delivered to my front door but when I looked, there was no box at my door. I let the company know that I didn’t received it so they issued a refund for me. I told them that I would be reordering the chair because my heart was set on having it.

Here’s the strange thing that happened. Yesterday someone came to my front door to tell me that they received a package that was mis-delivered to them with my name and address on it. They live streets away from me. The box says 1 on 2 for a recliner. Box 2 will arrive today. I’m excited. The company will have to make sense of the refund and the new order I’m wanting, but at least I won’t have to wait weeks for a chair to come. It’s already here. Somehow things worked out for me.

You know, I was thinking about all the things we use to help us live an easier life when a disability comes along making everything more complicated. A chair that helps lift you up…now that’s amazing to me. Funny thing is many items aren’t designed for the disabled. I’m always looking for items that help  make life easier. Not because I’m lazy but because everyone needs help even if they don’t say or think they do.

Am I trying to take the easy way out by using a chair that lifts me up to help me stand or transfer to my wheelchair? Since I can’t just stand up like a healthy person, the help saves me time, energy and at lots of tears, so yeah… I’m taking the easy way. Live in my body and let me know if it’s really the easy way. It’s actually quite complicated… never easy.

The way I see it is the more options I have at helping me to do something means hope and I need lots of hope living with MS. Having hope is having an expectation that something good will happen in the future or that something bad won’t happen. It won’t solve all of society’s problems but will bring you some added sunshine in the darkness.

I see a few rays of sunshine lighting you your day today. Don’t get too discouraged when you look around. There’s always hope. I’m believing for the best for your life today.

Listen to your body and don’t overdo it

My favorite time of year is finally here. My lawn is getting greener and greener due to the rain we’ve been having. It is begging to be cut. I’m actually feeling good enough to run my riding mower and get out in the sun for my adventure of the day but it’s raining again this morning.

I can already tell it’s going to be easier to manage a riding mower without a suprapubic catheter urine bag to lug around. I’m really liking having a urostomy. I think it’s one of the best surgeries I’ve ever had. It’s so freeing for me. I can move about without concern of what’s coming with me. And the pain is finally over. Yippee.

Yesterday I pulled out my weed whacker to edge my driveway and sidewalk to get the grass under control. I was able to cut the time in half from what it took me last year. I moved about better. I use my old powerchair to ride around the property. I call it my powerlawnchair.

There are a lot of projects I want to get done this year but I know I need to be cautious and not try to tackle them all at once. I’m going to take them one at a time and give myself lots of breaks.

That’s the important part. Listen to your body and don’t overdo it. You know your body best. I have to remember to stop before it starts to scream at me. If it screams, I’m done for days and days.

My right side is still giving me difficulties due to increased weakness but I’ve gotten pretty good at doing everything left handed. Even when raking the lawn I actually rake it using my right shoulder and left hand. Odd combination but it works for me. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do… no matter how weird it may look.

One things for sure, you will always find me out in my yard doing something to beautify things. My next project is to replace the solar powered lights around my front entranceway. It always looks so nice all lit up at night. I bought some replacement ones last year all ready for me to get out and tackle the task.

I love living by myself even when days are hard. I love looking out my windows at all of nature that surrounds my house as the deer and bunny rabbits trapes around. I won’t stop loving life regardless of how hard things get or how impossible life becomes. I will always find something to make me smile!