
I’m not broken, a burden or an inconvenience

In today’s world, we are constantly being made to believe that something is wrong with us because we have multiple sclerosis. Those of us using walking aids, wheelchairs and braces for some reason are seen as broken and a burden. We move much too slow, drop things way too easily and need help way too often with even the simplest of tasks for most people to bear. And those with MS who don’t need visible help…the bathroom issues, pain, emotional moments, and memory difficulties are viewed in the same way: as an inconvenience for others.

I can remember when I first started using a cane. I tried to hide it from people. I really did. I would wait until the last moment possible to get my cane in hand in order to walk across the parking lot of the grocery store. I would try to keep it as close to my right leg as possible thinking it would make it less noticeable. It didn’t, but I tried anyway.

The walker was much harder to hide. I felt like I was pushing around a truck with caution signs and flashing lights. “Look at me, here I come! Beep, beep, beep.”

The responses it invoked in people was not always comfortable to handle either. As soon as someone saw me with a walker, the questions began…too many questions, and ones that required exhausting explanations. I wasn’t ashamed of MS, I was simply tired of the constant “What’s wrong with you?” questions met with “I know what you need to do to make MS go away” responses.

Sometimes for me, the easiest response was lying and saying “It’s a football injury.” That was always met with a smile and a nod…even though I’m a girl. What? Sports injuries are more readily acceptable than a chronic illness?

Now that I use a wheelchair, it’s a bit harder to hide my walking difficulties but I’ve also gotten better at handling people’s stares, questions and comments. It still gets to me at times, but I’m okay with most people’s responses. I’ve come to understand that the negative and insensitive comments made by people simply show who they are as a person and has nothing to do with me.

One of the most important things I have learned is that multiple sclerosis has not left me broken. Cracked? Maybe…but I think I was cracked way before MS came along. If anything, it has opened my eyes to seeing the real me and to seeing how broken this world really is.

Yes, it takes me longer to do just about everything from checking the mail, to sweeping the floor, to getting out of bed. But even though I may not be fast at doing things, I can still get to where I’m going. It may take some creativity and some extra help, but I make it every time.

Ultimately, it would be wonderful to live in a world where disabilities took a back seat to who we are as a person. That day will probably never come, but regardless of what the world thinks, I want you to know that you are not broken or a burden.

You are a beautifully patched together work of art covered in scars yet filled with amazing resilience and strength. Your scars display an amazing roadmap of courage. You are not MS, a cane, a wheelchair, or even an emotional mess. You are incredibly you! You are important, needed, and wonderful just the way that you are…and don’t you ever forget it.

“Why Not You?

  • Today, many will awaken with a fresh sense of inspiration. Why not you?
  • Today, many will open their eyes to the beauty that surrounds them. Why not you?
  • Today, many will choose to leave the ghost of yesterday behind and seize the immeasurable power of today. Why not you?
  • Today, many will break through the barriers of the past by looking at the blessings of the present. Why not you?
  • Today, for many the burden of self doubt and insecurity will be lifted by the security and confidence of empowerment. Why not you?
  • Today, many will rise above their believed limitations and make contact with their powerful innate strength. Why not you?
  • Today, many will choose to live in such a manner that they will be a positive role model for their children. Why not you?
  • Today, many will choose to free themselves from the personal imprisonment of their bad habits. Why not you?
  • Today, many will choose to live free of conditions and rules governing their own happiness. Why not you?
  • Today, many will find abundance in simplicity. Why not you?
  • Today, many will be confronted by difficult moral choices and they will choose to do what is right instead of what is beneficial. Why not you?
  • Today, many will decide to no longer sit back with a victim mentality, but to take charge of their lives and make positive changes. Why not you?
  • Today, many will take the action necessary to make a difference. Why not you?
  • Today, many will make the commitment to be a better mother, father, son, daughter, student, teacher, worker, boss, brother, sister, & so much more. Why not you?

Today is a new day!

Many will seize this day.
Many will live it to the fullest.
Why not you?”

― Steve Maraboli

MS altered my life but it doesn’t define it

I think all of us long for the day when multiple sclerosis no longer exists. When we wake up in the morning to find that not only is there a cure which has eradicated MS from the planet, but one that has reversed the damage already affecting hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

I woke up this morning and sad to say, today wasn’t that day. So what do I do? Do I get angry because of the struggle? Do I allow depression to overtake me? Do I resent the fact that life is so very different than I ever planned for it to be? Or, do I choose to recognize that life will have problems no matter what I’m facing or where I’m at and that it’s necessary to find some good in the day if I am going to get through it. Can that even be done?

It’s not easy living with a chronic progressive illness as you already know. Days can be so unpredictable and the limitations we experience can become overwhelming and heartbreaking. No amount of ignoring it, hiding it, or pretending it isn’t there is going to make it all go away.

I can tell you that as a fact because I took a shower this morning but struggled to gather up enough strength just to dry myself off. At least I remembered to rinse all the shampoo out of my hair before getting out. But since I have gotten dressed I’ve been dragging just to get myself going. Why do I do that to myself? I know that showers are one of my enemies that I need to be cautious of because it increases the weakness throughout my body for at least an hour afterwards. Telling me to ignore my weakness or even to pretend it doesn’t exist at a time like that is preposterous. I need a nap not a judgement from a heartless uncaring individual.

The most important thing I could ever tell you in life is that you are much more than your weaknesses and strengths. You are so much more than MS. Don’t let it define you.

  1. Try to express gratitude for the simple things: a warm shower, buttered toast and the smell of rain. Practicing gratitude helps focus awareness on what is going well.
  2. Recognize anxiety triggers. An upcoming MRI scan or doctor’s appointment, even walking into a medical office may bring up feelings of dread. Sometimes just recognizing anxiety can help dissipate some of the nervous energy.
  3. If you don’t quite have your pre-MS stamina, find a new way to experience what you love. Do you enjoy gardening? Try floral arranging. If golfing brings you pleasure, don’t throw in towel if you can’t complete 18 holes; set up a putting green in the living room.
  4. Stay engaged in life activities. Don’t delay living life to the fullest and planning for more. Make vacation plans or enroll in a community art class.
  5. Get physical. If there is a universal remedy for any type of illness it’s “keep moving.” The body is made for movement; without it, muscles shrink and weakness sets in. Ask your healthcare provider for a referral to physical therapy to jump start your physical improvement program.
  6. Connect with others who are thriving in spite of an MS diagnosis. What are their coping strategies? Healthy support groups can be a place of refuge where your feelings can be validated by other people sharing a similar life experience.
  7. Have tough conversations. Talking about the future can be hard. Sometimes just getting the conversation going is a tough problem to overcome. But if you’re talking with your close circle of family and friends, that’s a great start.

There are times when we need to put on a brave face even when we don’t feel very brave. To recognize our worth, beyond our accomplishments and bank account balances. To look MS in the face and say “I’m not afraid of you and will not be defeated along my journey into the unknown with a chronic progressive illness.”

It’s important to embrace yourself as you are without the need for constant comparisons. Remember, it’s okay to take your guard down once in a while. Everyone needs a moment to be themselves, away from the judgements of the world and from those that don’t want to navigate around our limitations. A place to be authentic.

Authenticity is about being true to who you are. It’s about embracing your strengths, accepting your weaknesses, and living in alignment with your values. As Oscar Wilde famously said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” This quote sums up the essence of authenticity. It reminds me that our authenticity truly defines us.

As we navigate through life, let’s strive not only to understand the struggles that we face but also to appreciate the unique individual that we are. I challenge you to shift your thoughts to focus on what you do have rather than what you don’t. I think you’ll be surprised at the strength that rises up in you.

Real life with multiple sclerosis

As a kid people would ask me, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” My answer would change often, but I would mostly respond with Teacher, Scientist, Minister or Musician. Never once did I even think of saying I want to be a disabled person living with a chronic illness. That was never even a thought.

But now, after multiple sclerosis has come around, life is different. I’m no longer the invincible, untouchable kid I once was. I grew up and life became real.

You may see pictures of me smiling, but the truth is my nights are also spent crying. That’s right, MS isn’t the smiling face you see in those brochures or the victorious athlete crossing the finish line in those advertisements. It’s everyday people like you and me facing weakness, cognitive difficulties, bladder problems, tremors and numb body parts.

  • I want the truth about MS to be seen by the world.
  • I want to hear about people with MS that are facing hell, yet making it.
  • I want to see the daily struggle MSers experience.
  • I want to know about the problems, the large and the small.
  • I want to meet the courageous, the brave, the unstoppable, the true warriors.
  • I want to hear how lives are being lived in spite of a horrible disease.
  • I want the world to know about the sleepless nights MSers face.
  • I want to hear about the embarrassing moments that are endured.
  • I want to know of the emotional chaos MSers go through every single day.

That’s real life with MS.

The world doesn’t need any more brochures covered in rainbows and smiles. Sure, we smile and enjoy life in spite of our disease, but there is a lot hidden behind our smiles that the world needs to know about.

To the advertisers, the drug companies, and the TV producers: Don’t cover up our struggle. We’ve been through too much, come through hell too many times, to have our battle scars hidden away just to make a few people more comfortable with the effects of MS. We aren’t comfortable so they shouldn’t be either.

To the doctors and nurses: remember that MS isn’t easy. That the things you say, the way you help, the care you give really does matter. That just a simple “I’m here to help you any way I can” matters. That listening to our tear filled emotional breakdown really does help. That even though you may feel helpless in coming up with a solution to ease our pain in the short time you see us, we face those same fears and feelings every moment of every day. Please be patient with us, your patients. Sometimes you are the only ones we talk to about what we are going through.

In a perfect world, MS wouldn’t exist. There would be no pain, fears, difficulties or struggles. But we live in a world filled with brokenness. It’s okay to cry, fall apart and actually feel afraid. That’s part of being human. That’s a part of living.

You are a warrior that may be weary in the fight, but even on your worst days you are still fighting. Never doubt, even for a minute, that you are special. You are amazingly special and incredibly important. Hold your head high today. You got this!

Dare to Be
When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.
When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.
When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.
When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.
When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.
When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.
When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.
When times are tough, dare to be tougher.
When love hurts you, dare to love again.
When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.
When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.
When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.
When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.
When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.
When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.
Dare to be the best you can –
At all times, Dare to be!
― Steve Maraboli

Creating a balanced MS Life

I’ve always heard that balance in life is essential. I have a feeling the person who originally penned that thought didn’t have multiple sclerosis. I can no more balance my body on a flat surface than my life on a daily basis. I can’t even balance my check book due to the financial strain of living with a chronic illness. A balanced life with MS sounds more like an oxymoron than a reality.

How do you balance a life that is constantly changing and where the unexpected is more expected than the chance of rain in today’s weather forecast? Each day with MS is an irregular experience filled with obstacles and booby traps. How do you balance a life like that?

I gave up trying to plan my day in advance. Before MS, I was an organized, planned individual with my day planner in hand everywhere I went and a memory like an elephant. I remembered birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and special occasions. I could remember anything I read, heard or saw. I even earned the nickname “Human Google” and was the go-to person when someone had a question.

Now, I have a hard time remembering what day it is, what I did yesterday and what the name of the main characters are in ‘Friends’. I burn pizza in the oven, lose my way driving to the grocery store and forget to wash the shampoo out of my hair while I’m in the shower. You have no idea how many times I have gotten out of the shower, dried myself off, then realized my hair was still sudsy. Even my no-fail plans to remember things don’t help me remember. I lose post-it notes, forget to set alarms and can’t comprehend my own text messages to myself.

It would be wonderful to know what a day will be like: to plan and be able to keep those plans, to go to parties without leaving early, to spend time with friends without falling asleep on them, to spring clean the house without regretting it later, or even to wash and detail the car without dropping the wash rag every few minutes.

Even though I have trouble doing some of the simplest of things in life, I try to do them anyway…and that’s what counts. I try to do as much as I can when I can and leave the rest to tomorrow.

Because of MS, I have learned that balance has nothing to do with ensuring equal time with work, fun, and family. It’s not about pleasing others or how much I can get done in a day. It’s about going with the flow and doing those things that are important to my wellness. Sometimes that means I spend the day focused on my own needs instead of work, family or fun. Sometimes that means I can mix it all up. But the important thing is to never give up when the unexpected happens.

It’s okay to end your day differently than you expected, leaving things still to be done. Don’t get frustrated because your house needs to be vacuumed and you don’t have the energy to do it at the moment. I don’t know of anyone with an un-vacuumed house that has stopped the world from existing thus ending civilization as we know it. Your day will go on and the vacuuming can wait for another day. The same goes for laundry.

Choose the important things in life to be your focus rather than the things of little importance. I’ve learned that many of the things that I thought were important really weren’t. Use your time wisely and know that YOU are what’s important, not what you can or cannot do.

And never forget, even the greatest gymnast in the world falls off the balance beam from time to time so don’t stress out when your emotions get the best of you and you become overwhelmed with everything happening around you. Just take a deep breath, get back up and keep trying. Don’t hold onto the stress that comes with all the daily unexpected moments. Instead, hold onto the smiles you find in the moment and keep going. You got this!

Be a butterfly soaring in the wind

Do you ever feel weird? Like you are not normal…if there is such a thing? I know I sure do. I tend to think differently than most people. I find humor in just about everything. If you hung out with me, you would find me laughing at dropping my plate full of food on my lap, joking about falling over while sitting to put on my socks, and giggling because I lost my keys for the hundred-millionth time.

At one time I lived life like a caterpillar. The only thing I could see day in and day out was the leaf I was sitting on. My world was small and limited due to multiple sclerosis and I couldn’t see very far. My life was surrounded by troubles that I couldn’t fix and neither could the doctors. I felt helpless and hopeless. Getting around in a powerchair had limited me more than I imagined it would.

But then a transformation happened. It took time and lots of work to shift my focus from my own struggles, but I grew the most amazing and beautiful wings. They changed my life. They lifted me up above my own troubles and helped as I spread my newly found wings as I flew above my circumstances.

I found the world to be much bigger than I had ever imagined. I saw not just my diagnosis with MS, but thousands upon thousands of others just like me getting through the struggle. There were trees and flowers and oceans and mountains. My disability was no longer my focus. There was an entire world to explore and there were people to help.

The other caterpillars on the leaf I started out on didn’t like that I changed. They wanted me to stay a caterpillar but once you find your wings, you can’t go back. I discovered that I liked being weird. I liked the beautiful butterfly I had become. I liked bringing sunshine and smiles to others around the world.

Much like the caterpillar, many times we get stuck in our troubles and struggles and only see life from a small place. We perch on our leaf and see only our pain, frustrations, difficulties and troubles. We convince ourselves that we are comfortable where we are not realizing that there’s so much more to living.

It’s time to become the beautiful butterfly that you are; to spread your wings and fly into the wind; to see life from a place above multiple sclerosis, financial difficulties, relationship problems, pain, and stress on the job. I’m not saying to pretend those things don’t exist, just let your focus shift to find the good around you, even in a chronic disease.

Can you think of one good thing that has happened in your life because of MS? I know you would have no problem coming up with pages of bad, but name something good. For me I would have to say simplifying my life by weeding out the work and people that I didn’t need around me became a good thing. The process was tough, but in the end I found I am much happier because of it. Also, I gained new friendships with people that I never would have met before.

I’m able to spend more time developing my artistic skills through painting and writing even when tremors and fatigue get in the way, and I no longer have to wake up before the sun to the buzzing of an alarm clock. Because of MS I don’t have a need to wake up with an alarm clock since I’m already up before the sun. My alarms are now needed for reminders to not forget something, not morning wakeup calls.

Be thankful for the good. As you do, you will begin to see more and more good around you, and before you know it you are no longer seeing life from the perspective of a tiny leaf, but from the wings of a butterfly soaring in the wind. Be that butterfly!

We are living with a forever disease

We live in a messed up world in a messed up body with a messed up disease, so when things get messed up around us…why are we so surprised? Don’t let the messes mess up your day. One thing to keep in mind is that we are living with multiple sclerosis, a forever disease, as crazy as that may seem.

There is nothing as of yet to rid the body of MS. Yes, you can manage the symptoms and sometimes even make them appear as though they don’t even exist. But don’t kid yourself. You still have MS even when it’s hidden. Be mindful of your body and what it’s telling you. Only you can hear it. Sometimes it will be annoyingly screaming at you to pay attention. Please stop and listen.

Growing up in a family of seven, we had our fair share of messes. I loved baking and would enter contests from time to time. As a ten year old I could make a killer lemon cake. It won me a blue ribbon more than once.

I was taught to clean up as you go. I had fun as I gathered all my ingredients; measured out what I needed; sifted, mixed, cracked, whipped, poured, and baked. The entire time I was also cleaning up, putting away, rinsing and washing to keep from having too big of a mess. By time the cake was in the oven, I was ready to watch it rise.

Now my oldest brother, that was a different story. You let him loose in the kitchen and it would turn out looking like a tornado hit it. He had no concept of order, he just had fun. He could make some amazing oatmeal cookies, scrambled eggs and even sirloin steaks, you just didn’t want to go in the kitchen afterwards. It was messier than messy. It was what I called confused chaos. It would take him time, but the kitchen would eventual get cleaned up and looking just as amazing as his food tasted.

We both had messes to face, we just chose our own way of dealing with them. I would tackle things bit by bit as they came along and he would wait to attack them all at once. We both had fun, we both had messes, but in the end we both had something amazing.

It bothers me when people come along trying to dictate how to live with MS as if the mess we find ourselves living in has a one stop, one way fix. What makes people think they’re the experts at living with a chronic illness just because it works for some, never for all? If I choose to follow a certain diet, something different than you…am I wrong, or are you wrong? If I choose to not take meds and you choose to take something…am I wrong, or are you? If I chose to visit a doctor and you chose to stay home, who’s right and who’s wrong?

Each person is different with different bodily makeup, different cell structures, different DNA, different problems, really different everything. What works for one won’t necessarily work for another. To be honest, one drug may harm a person as well as help another.

You see, we each have our own lives, our own messes, our own chaos and our own fun. No one is right or wrong in how they go about living with MS. There are always things we could do better and new things to learn, but NEVER should we act as if we are the guru of all knowledge and wisdom regarding something as unknowable as MS and the human body, because we aren’t. It’s just that each of us deals with the mess in different ways.

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad because they chose something different than you. You be you and do what you know you need to do for yourself. You know your body better because you are the one actually living in it. Be unique, be crazy, make a mess, try new things, make mistakes, and even succeed…but most of all, hang onto the smiles around you and enjoy living.

There’s only one you and only one today, but there is a potential for lots of smiles to help you through this messed up life we have. Choose to find the smiles.

I was born a fighter

I will never give up,
throw in the towel,
back down, quit or
wave the white flag of defeat.

I may not wear a cape,
have my initials emblazoned across my chest
or leap tall buildings in a single bound
but I do wear pajamas even on my good days
and fall faster than the speed of light.
Don’t judge, that’s just the tools I have to work with.

I’m a doctor without a diploma,
a professional freestyle tumbler and
a faux Oscar winning actor. Sh, don’t tell!

I forget appointments,
burn dinner,
avoid saunas,
laugh and cry unexpectedly,
create messes,
trip on air,
choke every time I swallow and
stumble over nothing at all.

I’m a hard working,
word searching,
body fighting,
bruise finding,
re-run watching,
wall holding,
floor catching,
numb walking,
stair falling,
ice vest wearing,
body slamming,
pillow hugging,
nap taking,
slow moving,
mountain climbing,
multiple sclerosis warrior.

Yes, that’s me.

Are you feeling better?

The hardest and most difficult question for me to answer isn’t “Would it serve you well to trust people more than you do, or to be more careful of whom you trust?” Although that seems to be a simple question to answer, it’s still nowhere near as difficult of a question to respond to as being asked “Are you feeling better?”

I don’t know if people realize how difficult being asked such a question is for someone living with a chronic progressive illness. Am I feeling better than what? How I was feeling yesterday? Last year? Five minutes ago?

It’s not like I have the flu or a broken arm which mends over a short period of time. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease. That means it doesn’t go away just because I went to bed early, had a ten minute break at work, took two aspirin in the morning, or deny its existence.

MS is something I will have for the rest of my life. It causes physical limitations, weakness, debilitating fatigue, numbness, paralysis, constant emotional strain, cognitive problems and a whole host of other difficulties.

I am sick with a disease that, to this day, has no known cure and will only get worse as time passes. You see, my immune system is literally on a revenge attack against my own body causing chaos in my Central Nervous System. It is attacking the nerves throughout my brain and spine and eating them like they are hot wings at a tailgate party. It affects every part of who I am.

As of today, this disease is forever a part of my life no matter what you read from Dr. Google, hear from a friend or learn from a brochure at a doctor’s office. My hope is that one day things will change for the better and MS will become a thing of the past and each day scientist grow closer to finding ways to ease the pain we all face, but today isn’t that day.

I have moments when both the physical and emotional pain in my life are overwhelming. But I also have times when I can manage everything quite well as I hide my struggle behind a smile. I have been known to cry, scream and even question my own existence especially when I find myself being judged, stared at in public, and losing friendships all because of how MS is affecting me, my emotional makeup and my everyday functionality.

But regardless of everything I am going through…no matter what happens or how down I may feel…I keep fighting. Today I woke up in a war that seems to have no end. Imagine a life lived under continual sniper fire, surrounded by hidden landmines ready to explode with each step you take and hand grenades being thrown at you for no apparent reason.

Sometimes I am weak and can’t even find the strength or ability to think past simply knowing my name. Times when MS wins as it punches me in the stomach and takes my breath away. But even on my worst days when I feel so utterly useless and weak, I refuse to quit.

I may never “feel better” like so many people want me to, but this battle isn’t over no matter what the day brings and neither is my life. I am simply living it differently than most people. It’s a new day and I have a new chance to make a difference in this world. Each one of us do. Use today to show the world what real strength is and what true warriors look like. You are my hero. You are an MS Warrior!

A life with multiple sclerosis isn’t easy

I have never climbed Mount Everest but it seems like every day I scale its twin. Somehow this twin of a mountain is in front of me as soon as I open my eyes to start the day. As the morning begins I am faced with a new climb in my journey with multiple sclerosis, sometimes even before I pull back the covers.

One day I may be staring at a gigantic wall of rock that seems impossible to scale and the next day my path may be a gently sloping hill of grass. I never know what part of the climb I will be facing until it is there in front of me. If I had my choice, I would pick the gently sloping hills every time. They make it much easier when I fall down. Those rocks hurt.

But no matter what I am facing, the thing I keep reminding myself with each forward motion I take is to never give up…even if I am on unsteady, shifting rocks. A life with MS isn’t easy no matter what you are dealing with, but at the end of the day I lay my head down on my pillow knowing that I did the best I could. That’s what really matters anyway, doing your best.

Today I have to have blood tests done to make sure my white blood cell counts are good, then I have a load of laundry to finish and my kitchen needs to be cleaned up. All things I would much rather avoid, but they’re not going to get done without my help. I also have yard work to do which I want to wait for the early morning hours when the temperature is cool and my body is more manageable. That may have to wait for tomorrow. I just need to make sure I pause enough so I don’t get to weak and useless.

If you are facing an overwhelming pile of work that needs to get done before the end of the day or are weary from the difficulties life has handed you, take a moment to pause in your climb. When your emotions are going bonkers, the pain becomes too much, your blurred vision is limiting your view…pause. When nothing seems to be going right and your hope of a better tomorrow seems to be fading fast…pause.

It doesn’t have to be a long pause, just enough time to catch your breath. No matter what you may think, pausing doesn’t mean you are giving up. It actually helps to give you the strength needed to keep going. Pause, but don’t quit.

You really do have the strength within you to keep climbing, to keep going. I hope you pause long enough to find the added strength you need today. You’ve got this.

Living with MS you have to make a choice: Fight or Give Up?

In this crazy mixed-up world I can’t stop thinking about all that has to be done just to hold our heads up. Between health issues, worldwide troubles, unpredictable wars, economic downward spirals… where can you turn to remove yourself from all the chaos and really do you want to?

I think of my father in these times. He grew up a farmer but was drafted into the army at a young age causing him to have to leave behind the farm life. He didn’t have much of a career choice at that point. He worked hard and transformed into a great soldier.

He took what life gave him and became the best he could be with the hand he was dealt. I am convinced that if he had the opportunity to go to school he could have become a doctor, a scientist, an artist, or even a carpenter. He was all of those things to me. His life ended early, but his legacy remains.

He taught me what it means to be strong and courageous. I saw first hand the life of a soldier: the struggles, heartaches, pain and fears. Yet through it all, he never complained that life wasn’t fair (even though it was) or looked at something as an impossibility. He lived a full life to the end and gave it all he had.

Because of my father, I am who I am today. He instilled the determination, courage and resilience of a soldier in me, only I’m in a different battle and fighting a different fight. The tactics are still the same though. I have chosen to take what life has handed me and to become the best that I can be.

You are in a battle too. Yes, there will be struggles and pain. There will be times you may be fearful of tomorrow or even of the next step you need to take, but you are soldiers, and soldiers march on. You don’t lower your weapons or lay down in defeat. You push to the end and give it all you’ve got.

Each morning when you wake up and open your eyes, before you even pull back the covers, you have to make a choice. Fight or Give Up? Which will you choose? Are you going to let the fact that you have to crawl through the trenches just to get your day started cause you to wave the white flag of defeat? Are you going to let the opinions of others and their negativity keep you from advancing?

My answer is no, I will not. Join me.

We are fighters, not quitters. We are soldiers in this battle with MS. We are thousands strong standing shoulder to shoulder and linked arm in arm. Together we fight.

When one of us is wounded, we come together to hold that one up. No one is left behind. We are powerful! We are brave! We are unstoppable! We won’t back down and we will never give up.

“Impossible” is not a word in our vocabulary. We prove that to be true every day. Get rid of the complaining, walk away from negative people… they will only weigh you down and hold you back. Remember, you are not alone in this fight. Now, let’s get out there and kick some MS butt. Oorah!