
An MS life isn’t so simple

Most people don’t have to think about the things they are doing in life like answering the door when an unexpected visitor arrives until something like multiple sclerosis comes along and messes with our ability to do those things. Sure, we have to juggle things around in order to fit the sudden changes into our day and most of the time those shifts are not so simple to make. It’s that way with just about everything I do.

I’ve never been a big fan of running errands. Who would have thought the mundane chores of grocery shopping, going to the bank or the post office, and even picking up lunch could be so daunting. For me, in order to run errands, the timing has to be planned perfectly to ensure I have the energy for the remainder of my day. Not planning can end in disaster…meaning, can end in me vegging on the couch for hours just to regain enough strength to help me cope with the rest of my day. Some errands can set me back days…not just hours.

I have to think about doing things more than people should. For example, take the act of walking. That may seem like a strange thing to have to think about, but when I stand up to try and walk, I have to make sure I have the proper supports around me to keep from falling down. Then I have to concentrate on each step, movement, leg shift and foot lift. It takes GREAT effort and tremendous thought to do something as simple as walking and sometimes I don’t have the strength to do it. My muscles turn to jelly and won’t allow it.

If I need something in the kitchen, I can’t just jump up and get it. If I drop something on the floor, many times that item will remain where it landed until I have the strength to reach down and pick it up. By the way, that can mean it will remain on the floor for days. If someone comes to the front door, it takes so much energy to transfer to my wheelchair and make my way to the door only to find out it’s a solicitor wanting me to try their restaurant take-out service, that’s why most of the time I just don’t answer it.

When MS comes into our lives, the things most people take for granted become something we are grateful to still be able to do. We know that one day everything will change, the unexpected will happen, life will shift and simple will no longer be simple. No amount of planning prepares someone mentally for those kinds of changes.

If you find yourself frustrated because you need to fill up your gas tank on your way to work today or because you need to pick up some cheese for tomorrow’s spaghetti dinner, stop and remind yourself that you are still able to do those things…and be grateful for the little things no matter the inconvenience.

Don’t take anything you are still able to do for granted. Those things may take extra time to work through or you may have to get creative in the way you do them, but you will have accomplished something greater than great when you do complete it. You will have done something some people are no longer able to do.

Don’t give up, don’t give in and keep going while you can. That’s what makes you an MS Warrior. Plan B, C, D, and sometimes even Z, ZZ, and ZZZ have become a part of my everyday life and I’m okay with that. I will keep trying, keep going, and shift with the changes until I no longer can.

Life won’t be easy with MS but it’s worth it

When you get diagnosed with multiple sclerosis it seems like the world has come to an ended. For me it was something I knew nothing about. I had gone to the hospital because I couldn’t feel a good portion of my face, my vision was blurred and my right leg was going numb. I had an MRI and a spot was found on my brain that concerned the neurologist but he couldn’t determine what it was. He said I needed to be checked out in a few months to find out if I had a tumor or what was happening.

At that time I was in the middle of moving to Florida so I was hoping it was something that would just go away and my move would be uneventful. When I got to Florida it was 3 days later and I had lost vision in my left eye, was in a constant state of vertigo, the numbness of my right left was significant and had migrated to my right arm, was in the beginning stages of an MS hug and my world was coming to an end for sure.

I called a neurologist as soon as I arrived in Florida and amazingly they had an opening for me to come in. A second set of MRIs were done along with a spinal tap and a few days later the neurologist had the results. He sat down with me and said, the MRI shows over 6 spots in the brain and over 10 in the spine. I’m sorry to tell you but, you have multiple sclerosis.

I wasn’t given any information from the neurologist about what MS is, what can be done about it, NOTHING other than he said to me, “You will probably have a benign case.” What? Then he said, we will start you on Rebif and see how things go as we try to slow the progression down. That was that.

I was left on my own to figure things out and because I went to the doctor by myself I didn’t know what to ask or what to do. It was such a horrible feeling to do everything by myself. I left in a whirlwind and numb to the core.

Afterwards I dedicated myself to digging for answers and empowered myself through asking tons of questions even the hard hitting questions. After going to support groups and leaving feeling worse than when I arrived, I decided to reach out to others online with encouragement and my own odd sense of sarcastic humor rather than doctor speak and AA meeting type get togethers. I figured if I’m feeling lost and out of place then others may be too and we all just need to know that we aren’t alone. That was 10 years ago and although MS was well known, it wasn’t known enough by the public or even the doctors that are helping people with MS to cope.

It’s true that life won’t be easy afterwards. I prayed a lot and cried a lot but I made it through with a strength I never knew I had. Isn’t that weird how that happens? You don’t know you have something until you need it… and then, there it is.

You can get through anything life throws at you. I know you can. When everything crumbles down it give you a chance to build something spectacular out of the ashes. I guess the whole world is made up of things coming together and things falling apart. You never know what you may have. You may have beauty in the midst of your ashes.

Don’t lock yourself up distancing yourself from others. It seems like that would be the easy way to do things… to just shut yourself up and pull away. That’s our natural defense mechanism as humans. We build walls to protect our heart, but in the end, we find that the very walls we build are actually keeping away the people we need most.

Take a sledge hammer to that wall, start chiseling away at the concrete even if it will only remove one brick. Keep chiseling one brick at a time. That’s progress in the making.

Reach outside of yourself and do something for others. I find that when I am helping someone else in need, I forget about my own needs. It almost makes my struggle seem not so big. So, my challenge to you is to step out and touch someone. Do something to give back to others. Find a place where you can volunteer – a cause or an organization you believe in – and give all that you can of yourself, your talents, your time.

Sometimes we just need to step out of our own pain to realize that everyone has pain, and some are struggling even more than you are. A change in perspective can be the very thing that begins crumbling the walls and opening your life for a new found hope for tomorrow.

Memory, forgetfulness and multiple sclerosis

I woke up this morning to my pillow on the floor in the middle of the room. I’m not sure how that happened. I would have loved to have seen that pillow fight. It must have been a doozy…”take that – WHACK – and that – POW.”

I think I am closer to discovering why I’m always tired. It must be all the parties I’m having in the middle of the night with all the toys, dolls and stuffed animals in the house. We must have pillow fights too. I think they are the ones zapping my memory. This way I won’t be able to remember anything when I wake up.

Last night, though, they must have forgotten to clean up some of the evidence by leaving a pillow on the floor. I wonder if they are the ones that drink my coffee too. I will make a nice, hot, perfect cup of coffee and the next thing I know…the cup is empty and I’m sure I didn’t drink it. I’m absolutely positive of it.

I’ve had a few other things disappear too: my favorite sweater, my car keys, my cell phone, towels, and the TV remote. The other day I even lost the eggs a friend brought me. He had a dozen eggs for me since his hens are laying now. When he left, I couldn’t find them. What? How did I do that? I had a few minutes of egg hunting but I found them on my entryway table. I don’t remember putting them there.

Just the other day I was taking a shower, washed my hair but when I got out of the shower I had a head full of bubbles. How did I wash my hair and forget to rinse myself off? That happens a lot for me. Either I wet my hair and forget to wash it or have the suds still in and forget to rinse before I shut the water off. I do all my memory tricks to try and remember but I seem to fail at it most of the time. Sometime I even forget to brush my teeth while I’m in the shower even though the toothbrush is right in font of me. Ugh!

I was writing down a list of things I needed at the store yesterday. I had the list half written, got distracted and went into the bedroom to get my shoes but when I returned my pen was gone. Poof. It just disappeared. I had to get another pen just to finish my list. I still have no idea where that pen went but if I ever go shopping without a list in hand, things don’t go very well for me. I NEVER remember what I’m there to get and always return home having forgotten why I actually went there in the first place.

I think a lot of my memory problems are due to my lack of sleep. I wake up exhausted and go to bed exhausted. I know I’m getting closer to solving my memory problems and forgetfulness. I will let you know when I find out what is going on. I would love to have a few hours of real rest to get my brain a bit more organized.

Now, where did my coffee go? It was right here beside me. Seriously, it was. I’m not making this up. It must have gotten sucked into a black hole. I think I may be stuck in some weird space-time continuum. Maybe I’ll be the one to disappear next? Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Finding the rainbow in the storm

I woke up Monday morning to a strange sound coming from my bathroom. I wheeled myself into the bathroom and found water pouring from the bottom of toilet tank. There was at least a half an inch of water on the floor. I shut off the water behind the toilet, opened the tank and found the entire flush valve system needed to be replaced due to a faulty rubber washer. Not something I wanted to tackle.

I went to the local home improvement store and bought a new one then came home and changed out all the needed components. It was then that I discovered I needed a replacement braided supply line for the toilet that connects the water to the toilet. The plastic nut attached to the hose had broken off in the night. That was one of the reasons for the leak. I made a second trip to the store, made it home, fixed the toilet, opened the water line, adjusted the water level in the tank and all is well. No more leaks.

To repair the leak I had to mop up a ton of water from the floor. I got more wet cleaning up the floor than taking a shower. Of course I had to take a shower afterwards anyway but wasn’t planning that kind of adventure.

The unexpected happens though, doesn’t it? Sometimes it can be really sneaky and creep up on us, but it happens. Each day is a journey into the unknown. One day you may wake up and discover the sun shining and the next day find yourself in the middle of a storm that is spinning out of control. That’s just how life is. Add multiple sclerosis into the mix and it becomes an outright adventure.

We have gone through our entire existence up until this point in time knowing that each day is unique and filled with change. We try to find ways to predict those changes, but even the weatherman gets it wrong most of the time. Living with MS is no different.

One day you may wake up with a new symptom starting to develop…but you may not. You may notice numbness increasing…but you may not. You may feel more weakness…but you may not. Just as with life, MS changes day to day, and sometimes minute to minute.

When you are newly diagnosed, that can be a scary thing to face. Change isn’t easy. But as time passes you begin to find a routine in a life of change. As strange as that sounds, you do.

This morning, don’t focus on the storm MS has brought your way… look for the rainbow. All storms have them if you know where to look. Put your rain boots on and go splash in the puddles. Find something to smile about. Do something you enjoy. You might get wet in the process, but that’s all just a part of living.

Then dry yourself off and find something to smile about. I’m smiling about having the sense to be able to repair my toilet without calling a plumber to help. No huge bill to pay. Anytime that kind of thing happens it makes me smile.

I will never sugar coat my life with MS

Have you ever had one of those days when you wished you could just curl up into a ball and hide away under the covers in bed because life was simply too much, too crazy and too overwhelming to bear? That was me yesterday. I woke up in tears… literally. That happens to me from time to time, only yesterday it hit me really hard. Harder than usual.

I hate when that happens. Sometimes no matter how hard I try to remain upbeat, positive and steadfast, I fail. It just goes to show that even people like me who strive to find the good in everything around them actually have times when they wish their out of control life could be put on hold and the pain had a pause button.

I’m human and I’m real. I will never sugar coat the difficulties of living with multiple sclerosis and I never want people to think that MS is a breeze to manage. Too many people out in the public don’t hear of the struggles we go through because too many MSers don’t talk enough about the truth of living with a chronic disease.

I am thankful for those living with minimal symptoms and that can handle the pain with ease at any given moment whether it be physical or emotional. But I know for a fact that’s not me. I talk about the struggles I face because I believe the more the public is made aware of what we experience, the more they will come to understand the reasons we have our unpredictable mood swings, cancel seemingly simple plans and spend so much of our time at home.

It’s not always easy for me to voice my needs. That’s because many times I don’t even know what I need in the first place. So when someone calls or stops by and asks how they can help out, I don’t always have an answer. It’s not because I’m being rude, antisocial or don’t want their help. Most of the time it’s because I simply can’t see past the pain in the moment to know what I truly need. That kind of thing requires too much thought and most of the time my brain just blanks out.

But I can tell you this, what ALWAYS helps is genuine care, concern, support and love. Those things help at any given moment and can be expressed through a simple “thinking of you” text, help around the house, offering to pick up some groceries, or just stopping by for a chat.

My greatest fear is to be forgotten in this fast paced, on-the-go world. It’s easy for that to happen too because many of us get to a place where socializing becomes  extremely stressful and is filled with too many uncertainties and obstacles.

Getting out of the house requires great planning and considerations that many people don’t really think about. Will the place I’m going to be accessible for my needs? Will I have quick access to a bathroom when needed? Will I be in a place where I can remain cool? If a meal is involved, will someone be there to help me cut my food? If I get too tired (which is normally a given in my case), can I leave early? Does it cost because I live on a limited budget and even small expenditures are impossible to afford?

Any number of questions have to be considered in order to leave the house. Some days those questions are easy to answer, other times they are simply too much to face.

I woke up yesterday with my laugh-box broken because the questions in life smacked me in the face as soon as I woke up. If that ever happens to you, give yourself a break and allow yourself the needed time to grieve. Grieving is a real part of living with MS, and it’s okay to have those moments. Just try not to stay there.

I had my good cry already yesterday. The world may never see my tears, but they will always hear my pain. I refuse to be silent in the struggle.

Whether you win or lose, at least you know who you are

I actually struggle with a daily life of multiple sclerosis and all the unpredictable circumstances that threaten to overwhelm me. Some days I struggle just to get out of bed in the morning. Many times I don’t feel like doing the things I know I need to do which means they don’t get done. Lately for one reason or another MS has been winning the struggle.

Like yesterday I kept putting off taking my trash out and now I’m too tired to even think about it. My motivation just jumped out the window and I don’t even have the strength to chase it down. Before I go to bed tonight I have to take it out because trash pick up is tomorrow morning. We’ll see how well that goes. I wish I had little helpers for days like this.

It’s been below freezing temperatures here so I think that has something to do with it. My muscles just don’t work well with freezing temperatures. They have a tendency to seize up and getting them moving takes lots of extra work. Sometimes work that my body can’t seem to find strength for.

Discouragement sets in and rising above the funk is terribly hard to handle. I hate when my emotions get out of whack like that. It happens more than people would believe. I can go from laughing to crying in one second flat.

When I think about the circumstances, people, and events happening around me they are all manageable when I take them in little bits at a time. I have to be cautious so I don’t get overwhelmed. MS hasn’t changed, life around me has. I need to stay focused on what’s important, I need to look out for myself and I need to not feel guilty or get upset when things don’t go as planned.

I know that’s not easy. It actually takes a lot of hard work, but work that’s worth it. Next time you feel drained or emotionally out of whack, remember that you have a choice. You can wrap yourself up in excuses and self-pity, or you can choose to reach out of yourself and find the strength you need to keep going and rise above your circumstances. You’ve got it within you to do this. I believe in you. If I can do this… so can you!

You are not imperfect because of multiple sclerosis

All too often I hear people say they can’t do something because multiple sclerosis has caused their body to cease to function as it should. They see their body as imperfect because they are always doing something wrong. Their weakness keeps them from moving about as they need their body to function, their vision limits their ability to focus and maneuver their way throughout the day, their memory hinders their activities with failure to followthrough on much needed moments, and just showing up to an outing is too much work to handle so they decide to just stay home. That kind of life would wears on anyone.

I want you to know that you are not in this fight alone. Their are countless other MSers fighting along with you and leaving a trail of encouragement that will help keep you from being blindsided. We’ve got your back if you let us. I don’t know where I would be without such a great support system. It’s far better to try and fail than to never try at all.

I am reminded of a story about a woman who had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to her house, the cracked pot arrived only half full due to it leaking out.

For two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and felt miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, the cracked pot spoke to the woman. ‘I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.’

The woman smiled, ‘Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your imperfection, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walked back, you watered them.’

‘For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my house. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be such beauty to fill my house.’

You are filling the world with much more than you think. Don’t underestimate who you are, what you can do even when limited, and how important you actually are. I just happen to think you are the bee’s knees!

Ready for surgery

My bags are packed for a 6 day hospital stay. Not my choice of a resort stay but at least I will be taken care of while recovering from surgery on Monday morning. I have to be at the hospital at 8:00 AM, Feb 6th. Surgery will take about 2 1/2 hours. I will write to keep you updated while in the hospital. Don’t know what day I will post something but hopefully you will hear from my by the 7th.

I have to empty my bowels on Sunday starting at 2 PM. I have to down 4 litters of Gavilyte-G. Lemon flavored… and stay by the toilet so I won’t make a mess rushing to the bathroom. Ugh!

For those who don’t know my urologist has recommended the removal of my bladder and a stoma made with a part of my small intestines to empty my urine into a pouch on the outside of my stomach area. I won’t have any more stones to deal with. No more UTI’s. No catheters to change. Just a urine bag/pouch to change. It’s supposedly not be painful once healed. My urine will just be an open flow outside of my body. Kidneys will work the same. Just no bladder.

I’m a little nervous about it and hope I will heal quickly and learn quickly how to manage dealing with a urostomy bag. I’ve met with the nursing staff that will be teaching my after surgery how to manage everything. They are really nice and have already given me some products to play around with to get a little familiar with what I will be doing.

Keep me in your prayers. I will be doing the same for you. Hugs…

You deserve more and better things in your life

You deserve more and better things in your life than you realize even though multiple sclerosis seems to have gotten in the way of you being able to achieve it. You have it within you to be the leader of your own life.

Take a moment and think about how your friends make you feel. Do they lift you up, or do they bring you down? If you feel bad about yourself after hanging out with a certain person, it may be time to say goodbye. Believe in yourself enough to put on your crown and hold your head high. You can’t wear your crown with your head down. Wrong friends will do that to you.

Learn to love yourself. There will be times you will have to apologize and forgive yourself for not being kind to YOU. Sad to say, you are your own worst enemy. Give yourself a pep talk by speaking positively to the situation. Words have power. If you keep thinking you’re a failure, that’s exactly what you’ll become. If you keep telling yourself you’re going to make it, you eventually will. That’s because our perception creates our reality.

Be kind to yourself. Never apologize for living your life your way. To expect no difficulties in life, whether through your own actions or sheer circumstances, is unrealistic. Difficult times happen. Allow yourself time to really look at your situations for what they are. Develop a habit of self-reflection. Try to quiet your mind and get rid of your biases first.

Do you speak to yourself by putting yourself down? Think about it…do you call yourself names out loud? Names like stupid, idiot, or worse? My mom used to say if you don’t have anything nice or useful to say, don’t say it. That includes how you speak to yourself. Try this: before you criticize yourself, think of 3 genuine compliments you can give instead. You’ll start feeling great about yourself. Try to talk to yourself like someone you love.

Prepare for a journey.