We are living with a forever disease


We live in a messed up world in a messed up body with a messed up disease, so when things get messed up around us…why are we so surprised? Don’t let the messes mess up your day. One thing to keep in mind is that we are living with multiple sclerosis, a forever disease, as crazy as that may seem.

There is nothing as of yet to rid the body of MS. Yes, you can manage the symptoms and sometimes even make them appear as though they don’t even exist. But don’t kid yourself. You still have MS even when it’s hidden. Be mindful of your body and what it’s telling you. Only you can hear it. Sometimes it will be annoyingly screaming at you to pay attention. Please stop and listen.

Growing up in a family of seven, we had our fair share of messes. I loved baking and would enter contests from time to time. As a ten year old I could make a killer lemon cake. It won me a blue ribbon more than once.

I was taught to clean up as you go. I had fun as I gathered all my ingredients; measured out what I needed; sifted, mixed, cracked, whipped, poured, and baked. The entire time I was also cleaning up, putting away, rinsing and washing to keep from having too big of a mess. By time the cake was in the oven, I was ready to watch it rise.

Now my oldest brother, that was a different story. You let him loose in the kitchen and it would turn out looking like a tornado hit it. He had no concept of order, he just had fun. He could make some amazing oatmeal cookies, scrambled eggs and even sirloin steaks, you just didn’t want to go in the kitchen afterwards. It was messier than messy. It was what I called confused chaos. It would take him time, but the kitchen would eventual get cleaned up and looking just as amazing as his food tasted.

We both had messes to face, we just chose our own way of dealing with them. I would tackle things bit by bit as they came along and he would wait to attack them all at once. We both had fun, we both had messes, but in the end we both had something amazing.

It bothers me when people come along trying to dictate how to live with MS as if the mess we find ourselves living in has a one stop, one way fix. What makes people think they’re the experts at living with a chronic illness just because it works for some, never for all? If I choose to follow a certain diet, something different than you…am I wrong, or are you wrong? If I choose to not take meds and you choose to take something…am I wrong, or are you? If I chose to visit a doctor and you chose to stay home, who’s right and who’s wrong?

Each person is different with different bodily makeup, different cell structures, different DNA, different problems, really different everything. What works for one won’t necessarily work for another. To be honest, one drug may harm a person as well as help another.

You see, we each have our own lives, our own messes, our own chaos and our own fun. No one is right or wrong in how they go about living with MS. There are always things we could do better and new things to learn, but NEVER should we act as if we are the guru of all knowledge and wisdom regarding something as unknowable as MS and the human body, because we aren’t. It’s just that each of us deals with the mess in different ways.

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad because they chose something different than you. You be you and do what you know you need to do for yourself. You know your body better because you are the one actually living in it. Be unique, be crazy, make a mess, try new things, make mistakes, and even succeed…but most of all, hang onto the smiles around you and enjoy living.

There’s only one you and only one today, but there is a potential for lots of smiles to help you through this messed up life we have. Choose to find the smiles.

7 replies
  1. Chris W
    Chris W says:

    YES! Thank you for your words of wisdom! Smiles, patience, and acceptance of “different from you”, makes the world a better place!! Thank you! Blessings

  2. Elizabeth Coleman
    Elizabeth Coleman says:

    Thank you for that important message today. It is so true. We each have our own paths to follow i life and with MS. Every”body” has different experiences and not everything works for everyone. xo

  3. bunny
    bunny says:

    GREAT POST 👍🏻!
    to each his own. respect others differences. no judgement zone. laugh more, be open minded. bottom line… just be you and live the best lives we can. do what works for you!!


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