Chocolate… is it good for multiple sclerosis?
It’s been known for years that flavonoids in cocoa help fight fatigue. These chemicals possess anti-inflammatory properties that may be especially beneficial for people with multiple sclerosis.
Positive Living with MS was started by Penelope Conway after she was diagnosed with MS. She found few resources for positive encouragement; to laugh, cry, share, and just feel normal in the midst of a life of chaos; so she decided to start something herself. Positive Living with MS was birthed out of Penelope’s desire to show others that regardless of the challenges, we can all enjoy life to the fullest and find a smile in the storm.
It’s been known for years that flavonoids in cocoa help fight fatigue. These chemicals possess anti-inflammatory properties that may be especially beneficial for people with multiple sclerosis.
Sorry, but I don’t see the fun or joy in having to wear a diaper because my bladder or bowels aren’t working correctly. Yes, I have had problems with bedwetting before… but the previous time was when I was five years old!
One of the great American authors, Alex Haley, had a picture on a wall in his office that attracted much attention. It always aroused the interest of his visitors because no one could understand the significance of the photograph to the writer.
Have you ever expressed a concern or talked with someone about a new multiple sclerosis symptom you are experiencing without a “woe is me” attitude and their response was just get over it? I’ve always thought that to be a strange response. Get over what exactly? Get over the pain? Get over the fear? Get over a chronic illness? What exactly am I to be getting over?
With MS and all that it brings, you can’t dwell on the past. You can’t change anything that has happened to you and wishing that things were different doesn’t help anything.
I know how hard it is to push through the murkiness and brain fog that surrounds you all because of multiple sclerosis. You don’t deserve the troubles it brings to your life. You didn’t cause it and you can’t seem to escape from its hold on you.
We have all come through some crazy moments and stumbled through them into another year. Maybe things didn’t go as you wanted, but you made it.
I live in a world where the MS Monster is real no matter what’s taking place around me. My parents always told me there isn’t a scary monster hiding under my bed or in the closet, but I now live with one that follows me around every day and even growls at me from time to time.
Multiple sclerosis has been a constant struggle for me from the start of my diagnosis. It’s been progressing faster than I ever thought it would, even faster than the neurologist had predicted it would. It’s the uncertainty of what may take place tomorrow as my body continues to wear out that is the hardest for me to deal with.
When did society stop caring for the sick? It’s easy for someone to post a status online saying how much they care about others or sharing a picture of a bouquet of roses to say they care, but to actually get their hands dirty and physically do something is waining. You just don’t see that happening much anymore.