Bladder issues with multiple sclerosis


I have had an SPC (suprapubic catheter) for over 7 years now. It’s a device that is surgically inserted into the bladder to drain urine because I can’t properly urinate on my own. At the beginning of my multiple sclerosis journey I was having problems being able to void my bladder. I lost muscle control which caused me a lot of problems. My MRI showed lesions on my spine where the bladder is controlled. They cut off my ability to use my bladder muscles.

I used to say my bladder was conspiring against me because as soon as I would get home from work and opened the front door, my bladder would let loose and I would have a puddle in my entryway to clean up along with myself. When the urologist suggested an SPC I thought that was the answer to my problems. That is until I discovered some issues with living with an SPC. No one tells you about that.

What I discovered is that sometime the catheter doesn’t drain properly because of bladder stone, increased sediment in the bladder, unwelcome UTI’s and of all things, a faulty catheter. Yesterday I called home health because my catheter was clogged and wouldn’t drain. Every time I drank something, within 15 minutes I was uncontrollably peeing on myself meaning the catheter wasn’t draining as it should. I had a load of laundry after two days of fighting with the clog.

When the nurse came to change my catheter I was so glad because I needed my coffee. It’s crazy how that was my main thought. Not the problem with cleaning things up constantly or running out of clean clothes or even a clogged catheter, but coffee. As I’m writing this I’m enjoying a fresh cup of coffee. Ah, yum! I’m glad a catheter change worked.

If you would have told me MS had this kind of trouble I wouldn’t have believed you. I thought a catheter was a good thing, but I have noticed it can be a blessing and a curse. That’s true for a lot of MS symptoms. I always thought my tremors were a curse but I discovered that when I uncontrollably kick someone or slap someone that says something stupid, I can blame it on MS. Oops… sorry, that was a spastic moment.

Or when I forget an important event that I really wasn’t interested in. Oops… sorry, my brain doesn’t work right and I forgot. (grin)

Or when I can’t remember a show that I previously watched… that’s just my reason to watch it again and be surprised at the outcome.

There’s always a way to look at things differently. Don’t take a life with MS too seriously. Besides smiling is a lot better than a frown. It helps your immune system to function more effectively. It is thought that when you smile, your immune function improves because you are more relaxed. So smile! It does a body good.

10 replies
  1. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    Great article, I identify with so much with urge to void. I haven’t been told I need a catheter, which I know I don’t need at this time. The information you provided is definitely helpful for my future if in fact I will need to go that route.
    Thank you for your honesty.

  2. Peggy
    Peggy says:

    Thanks for this information!
    I too have the Uncontrollable Bladder (medical term Overactive Bladder) at this time don’t use Catheters but have considered SPC.
    Glad someone gives the real issues of them- have wondered! As for PESKY UTI’s take Nitrofuration every night for years to avoid. MS Dr has prescribed for me

  3. Janet Stanzel
    Janet Stanzel says:

    Just a little FYI. I am also having bladder issues. After a neurodynamics bladder test (not certain if I got the name right) my urologist recommended I try Myrbetriq aka Mirabegron 50mg once daily. I’m on my second month and can proudly say that I haven’t caused any extra laundry.
    I was a little concerned about adding another pill to the small handful I already swallow daily. But if it means no catheter and possibly less or no UTIs…I’ll take the extra pill.

  4. Anita
    Anita says:

    I love being able to chuckle about this as it has been a huge issue for me lately and laughing about it makes it “slightly” better! Thank you so much for the laughter you provide us and your insights into everyday issues we face and don’t even realize we aren’t the only ones with it. I fell off the side of the bed (missed the side actually) and took 10 minutes to roll over and get myself back up. All I could think about was: how would Penelope make me laugh about this…


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