
I need to declutter my brain

Rise up and work to overcome every obstacle multiple sclerosis throws at you. It is relentless and always trying to trip you up. It’s pretty good at it and has had years to perfect its chaos.

But when it comes down to it, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. That never ending laundry will get smaller. Those dirty dishes in the kitchen will get cleaned up. That toilet that needs to be scrubbed… gets cleaned. So many chores, so much work, but all doable.

None of it will happen over night, but little by little it gets done. I would love it if magic fairies came down to help out, but they never do. I’ve been staring at a pile of laundry for 2 days and it hasn’t moved. But today I decided to get the work started. It hasn’t moved a lot, but the pile has gotten smaller.

Will it get done today? Maybe.
Am I concerned about the timing? No.

It will get done when it gets done… that’s all that matters. Even if it’s just one sock at a time, that’s progress. I won’t feel guilty for everything that needs to happen because there’s always something to do.

The more clutter that bounces around my house, the harder it is to decide what needs attention. As a result, I spend more time thinking about the tasks than actually doing them. It leads to stress and overwhelming schedules that appear unable to be accomplished.

I made a to-do list that can be easily shifted around but allows me to priorities and schedule things in a way that makes things manageable.

You don’t have to use some fancy app or journal to help you out. Any system you want to use is a tool that helps you to organize, prioritize, and review the things you have to get done.

Whatever you choose to help you organize your day, make sure it works for you and that it’s easy. It’s important to get things out of your head and onto paper so your can declutter your brain. We don’t need any more clutter messing up our day.


What is causing you to put things down “for now”? Are you feeling too rushed in your everyday life? Is there never a chance to reset?

As you go through the process of clearing out your clutter, you will see that things become easier to put away when there is a home for them and that home is easier to access.

When you are tempted to put something down, ask yourself, Will I really have more time to deal with this later? Will I know where to find this later when I’m looking for it?”

Be kind to your future self and put it away now. Next week you will thank me. ― Kathi Lipp


Driving with hand controls

As many of you know, eight years ago I came close to giving up on ever driving again. I had trouble managing the gas and brake pedals with my numb legs and feet. One time I accidentally pressed the gas pedal when I was trying to stop. That was a scary moment. I came close to rear-ending a car going full speed. Yikes!

My occupational therapist suggested I get hand controls. She even set up an appointment for me to learn how to drive with them. It was a bit awkward at first. I had to think way too hard to do what I had already been able to do with my feet. Which lever do I use to brake? Which one for the gas? How do I steer? Can any car be set up with hand controls? Will I have to be retested for my drivers license? Will insurance help with the costs?

Too many questions… do I really want to make that big of a change?

After considering all my options, I decided to make the change. I wanted freedom to come and go without requiring help from others just to go to the store or to an appointment. I didn’t want to become a burden to those closest to me.

I had already run into disappointments waiting on people to take me to appointments and not showing up as promised. Many times I had to cancel the appointment all because I was waiting on someone else to take me.

Using hand controls to drive sounds complicated but it actually makes driving possible.  There are a range of hand controls to pick from. Different controls based on a persons specific impairment.

I was able to purchase a conversion van set up for a wheelchair driver with hand controls. It has given me the ability to go to the store, appointments and other places giving me much more independence than I thought I could ever have.


I’m not okay and that’s okay

In a fast-paced world where abilities are praised and feeling inadequate or anything less than great almost always gets swept under the rug (or even frowned upon), it’s so easy to look at the next person and presume that they’re doing fine. In reality, we all have days when we aren’t feeling our best. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that it’s OK to take a step back and ask for help, to get support lifting the weight off our shoulders due to living with a chronic illness.

I wish I had a magic wand to make multiple sclerosis go away. To make the stress of living day in and day out with MS easier. To make carrying the huge burden it causes in your life lighter. To give back the time you’ve lost due to illness, unexpected disabilities, doctors appointments and endless worrying. No one likes living with pain, spasms, dizziness, fatigue, relentless headaches or even trying to manage the unknown daily. If you’re like me, you just want a moment of peace, reprieve, and a sense of calm.

When my friend was feeling her worst, I would tell silly jokes and send her stupid memes. I would do whatever I could to take her mind off of the situation. She needed to know that a good laugh could go a long way, whether she was healthy or sick. It is important to try and understand a sick person’s emotional state. Sometimes they don’t have an appetite to eat their favorite foods, they can’t sleep soundly at night or they aren’t as cheerful. These are common feelings a person with MS experiences.

I take comfort in knowing I am not alone in these feelings. We all feel detached, sad or even angry. Finding something to give you a little lift can help you remember that life isn’t always bad.

When I was young, I was taught that life is fun and should be lived to the fullest – one that must be filled with happiness. But as I grew older, I learned that life is not always easy. It becomes a battlefield we have to endure just to survive.

Some days, things don’t happen the way you want them to. They fall apart, and you start to worry. Worse, you feel discouraged and lonely, thinking that there is no other way to straighten things out. Life can pummel you with disappointments, challenges, and heartache, and your mood can easily shift from light-hearted to heavy-laden. You feel there is no hope for a better life.

I want you to know that it’s okay not to feel okay. It’s important when all hope is lost, to redirect your thoughts into a more positive, motivated and centered headspace once again. When you do, you find hope peaking out. Sure, it’s just words, but they’re positive words. And if you’re on the verge of giving up or struggling to push yourself to the next level, sometimes that’s just what you need. All you have to do is keep moving forward, even when it feels like it would be easier to just lay down and give up.

Today, be determined to see blessings in the midst of things that seem like burdens. Lift your spirits and turn things around. For future reference, I never get tired of giving out hugs, encouraging words, tough love or even smiles.

Life is crazy right now

Sometimes life grabs us, takes hold and shakes us hard. We are left with our head spinning and we are desperately trying to just hang on. At those times we wish life would give us a break.

Life is crazy for me right now. I can’t keep up with everything going on. I am on day 3 of steroids with 2 more days to go. I have noticed a bit of energy returning which I so need but it can’t come quick enough. I’m trying to be watchful of the foods I eat because steroids have a tendency to bulk the body up. I don’t want that. In those moments, I have learned to give myself grace. I know I won’t make perfect choices, but some forward motion is enough.

When I’m exhausted and struggling to get up in the morning, I may not spend my time in deep thought but I know I still need to care for my body to ensure I can care for those around me. I have to let go of the guilt and shame that comes along with it.

I may not be able to write every day and pour out my heart how I want to, but it is life-giving and important to me to share with you, to walk together. So I’m finding little slices of time to connect with you, usually between naps.

It’s completely acceptable for the laundry to go unfolded so I can spend a few precious moments with friends and family. It’s okay if I have to rely on eating out a bit more. I’m doing my best with what I have right now, but that doesn’t mean I need to spend hours and hours on Facebook or X.

Maybe you’re dealing with your own health issues that scares you with each passing moment. Maybe you’re swamped, unbearably busy at work, or dealing with intense financial stress. In this crazy season, hold yourself to a gracious standard of love. Let the little things go.

Whatever it is, focus on what matters and what is non-negotiable. That’s your baseline. Let everything else be drenched in grace and give yourself a break.

We’ll practice this together.

Feeling run down

I had a difficult time this past week with my health. I had grown so weak and lethargic that I wasn’t good for anything. I didn’t have any strength to even eat. I couldn’t keep any foods down either and ended up dry heaving any time I attempted to swallow. I think I spent 3 days straight just emptying my stomach.

My family was wonderful and they filled my cupboards with some much needed nutrients since I wasn’t doing so good at keeping any of my basic foods down. My mom pumped me full off vitamins and had me drinking meal replacement shakes because they are so full of everything my body needed.

After about 3 days of working hard, I was able to actually sit up by myself. That was a miracle in and of itself. Today has been the first day that I have been able to actually take care of myself, by myself. I lost about 15 pounds during that time. I wear size 7 rings and they all fall off now… ugh.

The heat and humidity I’m sure isn’t helping me out even with the air conditioner running. It feels like I’m trying to move through thick mud, and think through thick fog. All I want to do is lie down and sleep – and then sleep some more, after that. I still can’t function normally because everything leaves me wiped out.

I get short of breath even when I’m doing nothing at all. My recliner has become my new BFF. I’m hoping to be able to actually sleep today. I know my body needs lots of it. I didn’t think this summer was going to affect me like it has. But I’m thankful for an amazing family that lives nearby because they have kept me going.

My mom did a load of laundry for me and my brother went to the store. All things I couldn’t do on my own. I kept thanking them for their help… even over thanking them. Never overlook the people in you life that are willing to help. They aren’t that easy to find but are keepers when they show up.

Today I’m just going to sit quietly in my recliner, kick my feet up and veg. Even though my head is spinning and my appetite isn’t quite right, I’m going to eat what I can because my desire is to be healthy and enjoy my life. My first step to healthy living is gratitude. Thanks to all my friends who care for me, pray for me and laugh with me. You are my rock. I need you more than you will ever know.

My multiple sclerosis decision

After much thought, research and prayer, this year I made the decision to no longer use any MS therapy drugs to treat my MS. I have PPMS which in itself is difficult to manage, but from the beginning nothing has worked for me to help slow the progression. I remember using Rebif after diagnosis, then Tysabri, Rituximab (trial use), Aubagio, and my last was Ocrevus. All with intermittent use of Solumedrol when things got really bad because that was the only drug that would actually treat the inflammation that was occuring when MS is active.

Over all the hours sitting in the infusion center nothing has worked. I’m thankful that different meds work for Relapsing Remitting MS. Many people have been given a shot at holding off worsening progression. But the large costs involved with the different meds has gotten ridiculous. Thousands of dollars for one dose?!!

I talked with my neurologist at the beginning of the year of no longer using Ocrevus and she approved my choice. I will see her once a year to give updates but unless something really bad happens I won’t have to visit. I know a lot of people think that it’s a bad idea to do such a thing, but it’s my life and it’s how I want to live it.

My decision for stopping Ocrevus was because of how Ocrevus was fast tracked through trials to get FDA approval. The fast track part just didn’t sit well with me. We still don’t know the long term stats and even if they will be accurately recorded. I was uncomfortable with the cancer rate for people using it vs. the placebo… but there’s still no accurate data.

After Covid there were so many issues people were having with big Pharma and finding out all the get rich schemes that were going on around the world. I didn’t like it one bit. I never got the “clot” shot and am so glad of that. I did get a bad case of covid but just nursed myself back to health without doctor intervention. I’m told that makes me more immune than the vaccine anyway. People weren’t helped by it and secrets are still being uncovered about what happened over the last few years. It’s sad really. So much deception. So many secrets.

I know this will be a message that can get me banned online but I actually don’t care. Ban me if you must, but I will never stop talking about my life and what is happening. I know that there is more to life than meds, doctor appointments, MRI’s and the like. I want to live my life now… not later when things may get better. My now is important because that’s where hope lives.

And the next person that wants me to get stem cell treatment, cover the cost and maybe I will. But I’m told because of my progression I’m not a good candidate for that either. I’m not looking for the next miracle cure for me, I’m just looking to enjoy my life. If that’s not okay with you… oh well. I will keep smiling, laughing, sharing and hoping. That’s just a part of who I am.

All aboard the multiple sclerosis express

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the non-stop flight to a life with multiple sclerosis. On behalf of the Captain and the entire crew, welcome aboard.

In preparation for takeoff, please ensure all negative attitudes are properly stowed in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt.

At this time, we request that all stress, fear and worry be turned off for the duration of the flight, as these items might interfere with the central nervous system and communication processes of this aircraft. We request that all canes, braces, walkers and wheelchairs be secured until we have reached a stable altitude free from turbulence, wobbles and unsteady movements. We will notify you when it is safe to use such devices.

We remind you that this is a non-sleeping flight. Sleeping is prohibited, but we do have endless TV shows, movies and documentaries available for your viewing pleasure.

There are several emergency bathrooms on this aircraft. Please take a few moments now to locate your nearest bathroom. In some cases, your nearest bathroom might not be close enough. If you need to go immediately, I suggest you move quickly to ensure no accidents happen.

Blood tests and lesions are always being monitored. In the event of a relapse, an MRI machine will automatically appear in front of you. To start the scans, your head will be secured to a table and you will be inserted into a tight, claustrophobic tube. Although the machine is loud, you will be allowed music of your choosing to help drown out the sounds. Keep perfectly still without sneezing, scratching your nose or coughing until a uniformed attendant advises you it is all over.

In the event of an emergency, IV steroids are available and will be administered as needed. Be cautious of the metallic taste that will occur during this process. Sucking on hard candy helps so be sure to have a few in your baggage.

Meals will be supplied based on your needs. Dietary restrictions are adhered to. If you require texture friendly food we have a selection of soft foods that makes challenging meals easier to manage. Getting pre-portioned meals that you can pick out allows you to tailor your selection as needed.

We will hit turbulence along the way, but rest assured it won’t last. We will eventually pull above the storms and enter sunny skies. I expect good attitudes for our trip.

If you have any questions about our flight today, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our specialists. Thank you for flying the Multiple Sclerosis Express.

No matter what happens, it will be okay

I had a rough night last night. I’m not sure what happened but I spent my night hugging a bucket as nausea took over and I spent my time vomiting. I had a fever too and even had to turn my air conditioner on full blast for a time just to get comfortable. My stomach muscles worked overtime to empty out my system. So, now I’m empty but have yet to drink anything because last night it didn’t end well when I tried. I want a little bit of rest first before I try again.

That has never happened to me before to that extreme but I’m glad everything has calmed down a bit. I wonder if it was due to a new medication I took yesterday. It must have disagreed with me and sent my system into a downward spiral. I normally can’t take many new meds even aspirin or something disrupts my cellular response. At least I know what to avoid in the future.

That kind of thing happens a lot with me. Multiple sclerosis has put a kink in everything I do. I had forgotten how hopeless life can become when new problems happen out of the blue. At one time the difficulties had me hating everything… including life. But then my new MS friends changed everything. They understood the unusual reactions of my body. Maybe not really understood them, but they knew that they would happen and how to go with the flow.

Over time I have come to realize the life that I have. The spirit that I truly have. I may have troubles, but they won’t take me down for too long. Life is a gift. It’s special and beautiful. And life is what we make of it. No matter what happens even when it seems like the world is crumbling around you, if you have a support system with even just one friend you know that everything will be okay.

Life will go on, the sun will rise on a new day, and the rainbow will come out after the storm. No matter what happens, it will be okay. That’s my view of life right now. It may be crap at times, but everything will be okay. Troubles will come, troubles will go, pain will come, pain will go, life will expand and life will grow, I just need to make sure I’m nurturing it and filling it with hope.

Even if you can’t do something as you once could, you have to keep trying. Be calm, be brave, don’t quit on life and never quit on yourself. The world needs you. I need you. You are the reason I’m up today and sharing my thoughts and experiences. Thank you for just being you and accepting me for who I am. I’m doing the same for you. Gentle hugs coming your way… xoxo

Nothing with MS is smooth sailing

Many people believe that those living with multiple sclerosis must be strong in order to live with the longterm unpredictable symptoms that come along with it. I see it as the way I’m coping with it because it’s the only choice I have, not necessarily a strength.

I usually end up feeling defeated, not strong. Especially when my pain reaches an outrageous level and I struggle to handle just getting through the moment. The fear that pops up in my mind is my worst enemy. It causes me to question almost everything about life… my purpose, my future, my existence and what tomorrow holds.

Nothing with MS is smooth sailing. You may feel like you’re on a roller coaster of emotions. Accepting what’s going on one day and angry about it the next. It may help to remind yourself that these feelings are normal and will likely ease with time. You will feel like yourself again as you learn how to fit your illness into your life. As crazy as it sound, what may be confusing at first starts to make sense. Give yourself time to learn how to take care of your illness.

I am in pain and deal with immense weakness every single day. I’m left unable to do many things because of it. There are different ways of dealing with all that MS throws at me. What people don’t know is that sometimes I lie on the floor in desperate need of a cold, soothing surface to help ease the discomfort from pain, neuropathy, and muscle spasms. I feel so exhausted that at times breathing feels like too much work. I don’t feel strong at all.

Sure, there are days when I feel better and try to do as many things as possible while I can. There are days when I feel stronger because I managed to rest for once. I do feel like my struggles have given me some strength to deal with the uncertainties of MS. The struggle, the pain – it’s all a part of my everyday life now.

An unpredictable life has become my new normal. When I was first diagnosed, I felt like I couldn’t make it through the hard times. I cried a lot, more than expected. I clung to the idea that things will get better. They had to. If I could just get through the current situation, I would have less of a struggle in life.

What it all comes down to in the end is that we are all simply doing the same thing… existing. I think what has helped me the most is remembering that MS isn’t going to go away any time soon, but it CAN be treated. It’s a long process trying to find what works for each person individually, but symptoms can be eased.

It takes time to adjust to the loss of your expected plans for yourself, and your feelings are perfectly natural and valid. So don’t be too hard on yourself for that.

I have found it helpful to focus on being grateful for the little things that take place. I treat them as bright spots or stepping stones to help me navigate through the uncharted parts of a life with MS.

Give yourself permission to enjoy life. Be consciously grateful for what you can enjoy in every opportunity you get. You will begin to feel happier and less broken by the negative things you can’t control.

Strength is made through the struggle. Through the experience of never giving up. Think of it this way…

It takes strength to get knocked down only to get up and keep standing.
It takes strength to not drown in your tears of pain and sorrow.
It takes strength to hold your head high when others don’t seem to care.
It takes strength to wake up each day with a smile regardless of the struggle.
It takes strength to find a song to sing when there’s no music to be found.
It takes strength to give it all you’ve got when you have nothing left to give.
It takes strength to not quit when everything within you is screaming at you “stop”.
It takes strength to look at tomorrow with hope rather than fear and doubt.
It takes strength to show your weaknesses in a perfect minded world.

It takes strength to do a lot of things, but mostly it takes strength to live.

I seem to be allergic to multiple sclerosis

The immune system is made up of a complex and vital network of cells and organs that are created to protect the body from infection. Their entire purpose is to defend the body and keep bacteria, viruses and fungi out, and to destroy any infectious microorganisms that try to invade the body.

Growing up I never had an allergic reaction to anything. Food, bug bites, hot or cold weather, animals, dust mites, pollen, or drugs. The only thing I was allergic to was poison oak. It always seemed to spread by me just looking at it. I didn’t have to actually touch it… or in my childs mind I didn’t. Once I had gotten such a bad case that spread all over my face even causing my eyes to swell shut for a few days. After a visit to the doctor, some meds and lots of calamine lotion, all was well.

Since multiple sclerosis has taken up residence in my body, I have discovered that certain foods cause me to have increased symptoms like expanded weakness, spreading of numbness beyond the normal residual symptom from my initial MS troubles years ago, visual disturbances that have a tendency to keep me from being able to properly read emails without double vision, dizziness that meclizine doesn’t seem to help with. For me, over time, I have discovered those foods and know which ones to avoid. Each person has to find their own foods to avoid. It will always be different person to person.

I have also discovered my difficulties in balancing. I fall over trying to sit up. I can no longer do as my mom always said… ‘sit up straight and keep your elbows off the table.’ I simply can’t seem to do it unaided. I have cognitive problems too unlike anything I had before. I used to be able to read an in depth computer manual and be able to code computer programs based on what I had read without difficulty. Now I can’t put a line of code down without constantly looking at every cheatsheet available.

It just seems like every new symptom shows up out of nowhere and has a tendency to hang around for a long, long time… sometimes forever. I have also discovered certain drugs now give me an allergic reaction and I have to be watchful of them. My body just doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with my own body.

One thing I told the doctor is that I found I was allergic to ice packs. They always turn my skin red…(grin). I can’t get through a summer without them. They help me survive the heat. I’m also allergic to a lack of humor. There’s not enough smiles, giggles and laughter in the world of the chronically ill. You do know that it’s okay to laugh, don’t you?!

Over the years I have found that I need to take things slow and listen more closely to my body. It always seems to talk louder than I wish it would but thankfully it speaks up. Sometimes it’s the only reason I feel as good as I do. My body isn’t perfect. I fall down too much, pain visits way too often, confusion happens and brain fog seems to have taken up permanent residency. And although I wish life was different, it’s still mine and I refuse to give up.

You can’t give up on your life either. MS makes things complicated but not impossible. Impossible says it all… I’m possible.

Just like you. You’re possible too.