I’m a nobody
I’m a nobody. I’m just a gal with a laptop, a blog, an X account and a Facebook account. Nothing special.
I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2013 and went about looking for information about MS, the drugs used to help, and healthcare in general. Some of the things I learned were great, some not so much, but all of it beneficial.
One thing that truly annoyed me was when I would visit support groups at that time I always left feeling worse than when I had arrived. Most groups were just woe-is-me sessions and left me with an icky heaviness inside. So my remedy was to never go back to them.
Can’t people talk about MS and still laugh and enjoy themselves without all the woe-is-me attitudes? I found few resources for positive encouragement at that time. A place to laugh, to cry, to share, to just feel normal in the midst of a life of chaos. That’s when I decided to start something myself, thus the birth of Positive Living with MS. I don’t make any money posting things online I just gain great new connections with people all around the world and learn a lot of cool things from them.
In addition to that…
I will use whatever reach I have to talk about multiple sclerosis: the good, the bad and the ugly. Some with humor, some with tears, but all with a matter-of-fact straight talk. I don’t sugar coat things to make others feel comfortable about the topic I’m discussing. I just tell it like it is from my perspective. If that’s not something you like, then I hope you find some other blog or page that helps you out better than mine. No feelings hurt here.
I love making my humorous meme’s and sharing my daily nonsense posts on social media. Some are received well, some with groans and others with huh? moments. But at least they get people talking and thinking. And on my blog I try to post once a week to talk about my own experiences with MS. I’m glad to be able to share my journey with you. One of my favorite posts is MS Facts. Beware… there’s humor in there to talk about all the symptoms we deal with.
If you want to help me pay the bill to cover my hosting and blog costs you can donate online here:
Any financial help is always a welcomed blessing for me as I no longer work due to the progression of MS in my body. I have trouble cognitively as well as with uncontrollable tremors and weakness.
I only have my social security benefits to cover my living costs and squeeze out all I can to pay for the website. I used to be a web developer and graphic designer so my skills came in handy to build the site and keep it running.
Each year around this time I let everyone know that in a few months the bill will be due. Any amount given will be used to cover the costs. This year the total is $600. The price went up about $50 from last year, but I’m determine to raise enough to cover all the costs with your help. Thank you in advance for your support. And happy thanksgiving to you as well.
I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
– Emily Dickinson