
Understanding my journey with Multiple Sclerosis

I wear shoes most days. Although I still prefer my barefoot moments, but protecting my feet is way more important these days especially since I don’t have much feeling in them anymore.

Today, my everyday shoes are nice and clean, but that’s only because I don’t actually walk in them anymore. I just wear them as I wheel myself about in my powerchair. They keep me from stubbing my toes or banging my feet into the walls which happens quite often. I actually broke my big toe running into my work station in the garage where I keep all my tools. My hand was tired steering my chair and it seemed to have a mind of its own. Then… B A M.

When I was walking, my everyday shoes were a bit worn and scuffed. I had been many places with them on my feet. If they could talk they would tell of traveling around the world, going to the theatre, spending time with friends, out shopping and visiting beautiful landmarks. I felt unstoppable and on top of the world.

They would also tell of the day I went to the doctors office for tests because I was having a hard time walking, seeing and feeling parts of my face and body. That day was a day of tears, but not the good kind of tears. It was a day I wish I didn’t have to go through, but my shoes were with me and walked me down those sterile hallways at the hospital. They saw my pain and felt my discomfort as a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was made. If only they could talk.

No one has ever walked in my shoes. I doubt they could fit in them even if they tried. I think my shoes are a little like Cinderella’s… you know, how out of everybody in the kingdom, no one had a foot her size or could fit into her lost shoe. It’s amazing how not even one person could wear her shoe. It was unique to her.

I’ve heard it said that you can’t know someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. People like to throw out opinions of how I should live my life, but in actuality, they don’t know my journey. They haven’t lived my story. When you’ve lived my life only then can you judge me.

Don’t let someone judge your pain or your response to the difficulties in life while standing in their own shoes, not once putting them aside to walk in yours first. They can’t know your pain, sorrow, happiness, joy, depression, heartache, doubts, fears, and laughter. They can’ know your life if they aren’t walking in your shoes. Some people can’t handle the truth let alone tell it. Don’t judge me until you take a hard look in a mirror at yourself. Hopefully it doesn’t break. (Grin)

And besides I gave most of my shoes away when I discovered I could no longer wear them. My high heels… gone. Flip-flops… gone. Even my favorite tennis shoes… gone. All because I needed an AFO brace to help me walk on my own. That journey alone was heartbreaking.

We each have our own journey and our own shoes to wear. When you put your shoes on today, remember how far you’ve come and the miles you’ve been. Each scuff mark is a story of trying. Each smudge is a part of not giving up. Your journey isn’t over… it’s only just begun. So, let’s go forward Warriors.

Conquer the MS Beast

Earlier this week I tackled my plans to set up solar lights leading to my front door. Sounds easy, right? But I had lots of unforeseen problems. I gathered all the supplies needed to make the area beautiful but knew it would take a lot of time and patience to set everything up. The picture on this post shows what I did. I still need to get some plants for the area above the lights though. Right now it is a bunch of mulch but looks pretty even without any plants in it.

I had a few bags of white rocks to fill in the area around the lights but knew it wasn’t going to be easy to lay things out. I mapped out the light placement, dug up the area where they were going to be placed and laid down weed barrier to deter weeds from cropping up in the middle of the rocks.

One of my main issues while working was that I kept falling over due to my lack of trunk control. I couldn’t stay upright on the ground while I worked. It was challenging to keep still. I scraped my elbows and even my forehead once… ugh! Pulling myself up every time I fell over wasn’t as easy as it sounds. I ended up bruising my tailbone too as I inched my way back and forth across the sidewalk.

I feel accomplished with all the work that I got done. As I was working I kept thinking that bad things aren’t just happening to you and me… they’re happening everywhere. The way I see it, if I hadn’t gotten sick with MS, I would have never met you or had the opportunity to give you encouraging words to cheer you up.

MS challenges? Pfft, they’ve got nothing on me! I’m like a bulldozer, smashing through obstacles with sheer willpower. Nothing can extinguish the fire burning inside me to conquer the impossible. No matter how tough my MS life gets, I’m the kind of person who keeps pushing forward, defying the odds.

Setbacks will happen. I see them as temporary blips on my journey to greatness. Unleash your inner resilience to conquer whatever life throws your way. You have the power within you to create a life filled with strength, courage, and unwavering determination.

We are living in such dark times. I never dreamed of all the confusion, challenges and deception that is taking place around the world today. I had such high hopes for my future but I’m finding it harder to stay strong in the midst of the battle.

There are great things ahead. I really believe that. I refuse to throw in the towel no matter what life hurls at me or how bad my MS progression becomes. I’ve got an unstoppable determination to conquer the MS beast.

An MS life isn’t so simple

Most people don’t have to think about the things they are doing in life like answering the door when an unexpected visitor arrives until something like multiple sclerosis comes along and messes with our ability to do those things. Sure, we have to juggle things around in order to fit the sudden changes into our day and most of the time those shifts are not so simple to make. It’s that way with just about everything I do.

I’ve never been a big fan of running errands. Who would have thought the mundane chores of grocery shopping, going to the bank or the post office, and even picking up lunch could be so daunting. For me, in order to run errands, the timing has to be planned perfectly to ensure I have the energy for the remainder of my day. Not planning can end in disaster…meaning, can end in me vegging on the couch for hours just to regain enough strength to help me cope with the rest of my day. Some errands can set me back days…not just hours.

I have to think about doing things more than people should. For example, take the act of walking. That may seem like a strange thing to have to think about, but when I stand up to try and walk, I have to make sure I have the proper supports around me to keep from falling down. Then I have to concentrate on each step, movement, leg shift and foot lift. It takes GREAT effort and tremendous thought to do something as simple as walking and sometimes I don’t have the strength to do it. My muscles turn to jelly and won’t allow it.

If I need something in the kitchen, I can’t just jump up and get it. If I drop something on the floor, many times that item will remain where it landed until I have the strength to reach down and pick it up. By the way, that can mean it will remain on the floor for days. If someone comes to the front door, it takes so much energy to transfer to my wheelchair and make my way to the door only to find out it’s a solicitor wanting me to try their restaurant take-out service, that’s why most of the time I just don’t answer it.

When MS comes into our lives, the things most people take for granted become something we are grateful to still be able to do. We know that one day everything will change, the unexpected will happen, life will shift and simple will no longer be simple. No amount of planning prepares someone mentally for those kinds of changes.

If you find yourself frustrated because you need to fill up your gas tank on your way to work today or because you need to pick up some cheese for tomorrow’s spaghetti dinner, stop and remind yourself that you are still able to do those things…and be grateful for the little things no matter the inconvenience.

Don’t take anything you are still able to do for granted. Those things may take extra time to work through or you may have to get creative in the way you do them, but you will have accomplished something greater than great when you do complete it. You will have done something some people are no longer able to do.

Don’t give up, don’t give in and keep going while you can. That’s what makes you an MS Warrior. Plan B, C, D, and sometimes even Z, ZZ, and ZZZ have become a part of my everyday life and I’m okay with that. I will keep trying, keep going, and shift with the changes until I no longer can.

A fearless warrior

It makes me sad to think about all of the turmoil and chaos that is surrounding us in the world today. No matter where you are, you can’t seem to get away from it. It’s in front of you when you turn on the news, when you get online to try and find something worth reading, and even when you turn on the radio for a pick-me-up song. Such despair and uncertainty abounds.

I don’t have any answers for what is taking place in the world other than don’t react in fear. Fear is the worst thing you can ever hold on to. I’m not talking about fear of public speaking, escalators, or even spiders. Those are some my legitimate fears but not something that keeps me awake at night.

No, it’s deeper fears like war, famine, and even early death than will disturb any persons inner peace. I have found that I need to become fearless. Why? Because fearless people are not afraid to be afraid. They are able to take their fears as a warning sign and use them to get a better perspective of what is actually taking place around them… both the irrationally perceived problems and the real ones.

Every person experiences fear differently. You are not alone in this. Fear actually affects more people than the common cold. That’s because it’s a human experience. If I let fear rule me I would be cowering in the corner counting down time to my last breath. One thing you have to be mindful of is don’t let fear prevent you from actually living. That shouldn’t happen.

Fear reminds me that there is beauty all around in the shadows. It’s just hiding hoping to not be discovered. The beauty in the shadows is worth fighting for. No matter how bad thing can get, I will rise above the situation and be triumphant. I’m reminded that I’m a warrior regardless of what anyone else thinks. That I’m not going down with the ship. That I’m strong, mighty and capable of anything I put my mind to. And so are you. You’ve got this. Don’t lock yourself away in fear. Come out into the open, turn your face to the sun… and live. There is hope for a better day.

When it feels like everything is over, when the last bit of hope and light starts slipping away faster than you can chase it, it’s at that time you find you are able to gather enough strength to carry on. It’s that little voice you’ve been hearing in the back of your heart and mind to not quit and never give in. Listen to it. It knows more than you realize. You’ve got this. Become a fearless warrior with me.