Today I didn’t grieve for my health issues


How many days do I get up in the morning and say “Maybe my hands will work for me to get dressed without difficulties. Maybe I can get through my morning without a bathroom mishap. Maybe the pain in my body is manageable and doesn’t interfere with my quality of life. Maybe multiple sclerosis will behave and allow me to run some much needed errands.”?

Sometimes feeling lonely overwhelms me. I have sensed a feeling of abandonment more times than I care to admit. Not because of anything in particular, but just because I find it’s not that easy to get some much needed help for everyday events like preparing a meal or cleaning the house.

Recently I have noticed that I get upset easier. I have been in arguments or quarrels for no reason at all. My emotions are just on edge and have a tendency to overwhelm me. I feel like people I used to count on have moved away from my life which in a way is something to be grateful for… but still unnerving. I don’t need complicated people to complicate my already chaotic life.

Today I didn’t grieve for my health issues… I looked at my life and was thankful for my doctor which I will be seeing later in the day hoping it’s a good appointment. I looked out at how hard the wind was blowing and was thankful that I have a roof over my head, heat in the house and food in the cupboard. That I have friends and some family members who love me and contact me just to see how I’m doing.

My back porch has been setup with comfortable seating to enjoy the warmer weather when it comes and it’s been cleaned… the spring cleaning way. It was a much needed job to get done. Family came by unexpectedly and helped me out. That was a much appreciated thing to have happen. How can I show my gratitude? I feel like just saying thank you to everyone in my life isn’t enough gratitude, but it is.

I can do acts of kindness. I can perhaps slip a card of encouragement to someone secretly that I know can use it. Often, many people I see just want to talk to someone. That doesn’t cost a penny. For the most part, my time is free to give. Maybe some people won’t understand how special those kinds of times are, but I do and will still cherish them.

Today, ask yourself what you have done lately to show your gratitude for the day? Sometimes all that’s needed is our attention and looking around just to notice what’s actually there. There’s always something. What are you grateful for?



6 replies
  1. Keren Stepp
    Keren Stepp says:

    I’m thankful for you! You put into words what I’m often feeling. I’ve been doing the same sort of thing with cards and letters for over a year now. I feel I can’t do much of anything anymore and I hate feeling useless.

    I’ve got the same problem with my hands as you do. And as an artist it can be defeating and a bit humiliating. I have some trouble using scissors far less opening a jar!

    Thanks for your encouraging posts. I hope today you find a perk!

    • Penelope Conway
      Penelope Conway says:

      The hand issues are such a problem and as you say it can be so humiliating. Ah, the scissors. I had to use some today and had such a hard time. I got through it without tears though. Yeah!! Sending love and hugs your way. xoxo

  2. Chris Wegner
    Chris Wegner says:

    Yes! Your attitude of gratitude is a way of life that I try to live as well! Your gift of saying what others are feeling then put a funny twist or poignant thought AND sharing it is a blessing! Thank you! I end my day with writing 3 things grateful for from the day…. Sleep-albeit not guaranteed is sweeter after! Thank you for all you do! Praying for friends and family to understand even more today! 🧡

  3. Juana Driver
    Juana Driver says:

    Silly to say how much joy one gets from a response but it does for me. Thank you for all you do to keep us being positive in the hard and lonely times. And the scissor ✂️ issue!! I just have to be thankful for all the years they behaved for me. Sewing use to be my happy place…..

    • Penelope Conway
      Penelope Conway says:

      Aww, I miss sewing. Don’t think I could operate a sewing machine to make even a pillow let alone a shirt. But at least my mom is still around and she will sew for me if I need something done. Thankful for family 🙂


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