Are you feeling better?
I don’t know if people realize how difficult being asked “Are you feeling better” is to answer. Am I feeling better than what? How I was feeling yesterday? Last year? Five minutes ago?
Positive Living with MS was started by Penelope Conway after she was diagnosed with MS. She found few resources for positive encouragement; to laugh, cry, share, and just feel normal in the midst of a life of chaos; so she decided to start something herself. Positive Living with MS was birthed out of Penelope’s desire to show others that regardless of the challenges, we can all enjoy life to the fullest and find a smile in the storm.
I don’t know if people realize how difficult being asked “Are you feeling better” is to answer. Am I feeling better than what? How I was feeling yesterday? Last year? Five minutes ago?
Most days it seems I am fighting a never-ending battle. There are times I wake up thinking all is good and that the spinning is gone, but as soon as I get up and start going about my day…boom, it’s back.
I have never climbed Mount Everest but it seems like every day I scale its twin. Somehow this twin of a mountain is in front of me as soon as I open my eyes to start the day.
In this crazy mixed-up world I can’t stop thinking about all that has to be done just to hold our heads up. Between health issues, worldwide troubles, unpredictable wars, economic downward spirals… where can you turn to remove yourself from all the chaos and really do you want to?
Are you going to let the fact that you have to crawl through the trenches just to get your day started cause you to wave the white flag of defeat? Are you going to let the opinions of others and their negativity keep you from advancing?
My eyesight has been giving me more and more trouble lately. When I wake up in the morning it takes me more time than usual to properly focus. I will prop myself up in bed and have to rub my eyes countless times just to see straight.
How many days do I get up in the morning and say “Maybe my hands will work for me to get dressed without difficulties. Maybe I can get through my morning without a bathroom mishap. Maybe the pain in my body is manageable and doesn’t interfere with my quality of life. Maybe multiple sclerosis will behave and allow me to run some much needed errands.”?
Don’t blame yourself for the bad days, and don’t despair when they come. Pay attention to your body’s cues, go easy on yourself, and know that, at the very least, making a small change here or there can help lift your mood for the better.
I must always pay close attention to how much I’m pushing myself and the added demands I’m placing on my body. It’s okay to take breaks and rest when needed but to always come back with renewed energy and determination.
Through it all, I have to say… you are a survivor. Whether you believe it’s God’s gift or just sheer luck… you have been given a second chance in life and I encourage you not to squander it or dwell on why you were chosen.
I’ve put together a collection of my most wonderfully random and entertaining images and memes to keep in one convenient place.