Entries by Penelope Conway

When did society stop caring for the sick?

When did society stop caring for the sick? It’s easy for someone to post a status online saying how much they care about others or sharing a picture of a bouquet of roses to say they care, but to actually get their hands dirty and physically do something is waining. You just don’t see that happening much anymore.

We are in a war against our bodies – this is multiple sclerosis

It feels as if I’m living in a virtual Trouble board game merged with Operation… My Pop-O-Matic die roller is broken and I have been sent back to start more times than warranted. My Operation doctor is still working to determine which nerves have been cut. Is it the train of thought nerve? The vision nerve? The speech nerve? The funny bone nerve? No one knows.

Memories worth sharing

Do you remember the last laugh you shared? Those are memories you never want to forget. It could be something silly, nonsensical or even something that no one understood but it gave you a big laugh and maybe even a snort or two. LOL