I can’t wish MS away
I can’t wish MS away or even think positively enough for it to disappear. Some people have said dealing with it is just mind over MS, haha. I doubt they have had any issues with MS to overcome or even MS itself.
Positive Living with MS was started by Penelope Conway after she was diagnosed with MS. She found few resources for positive encouragement; to laugh, cry, share, and just feel normal in the midst of a life of chaos; so she decided to start something herself. Positive Living with MS was birthed out of Penelope’s desire to show others that regardless of the challenges, we can all enjoy life to the fullest and find a smile in the storm.
I can’t wish MS away or even think positively enough for it to disappear. Some people have said dealing with it is just mind over MS, haha. I doubt they have had any issues with MS to overcome or even MS itself.
We live our lives in a crazy, seemingly unending fog due to multiple sclerosis. Fight through the fog, dodge the dizziness that happens, keep your focus on the end even when there is no end in sight.
Having a disability can introduce a unique set of challenges that you have to go through and some you never even imagined you would be dealing with. There are certain things that I could have benefited from hearing in order to feel less alone.
How can MS, something as simple as 2 letters, be so difficult? That’s beyond me. After all it’s just 2 letters in the alphabet. It’s not a sentence. But lately I would disagree. I’ve been put in solitary confinement, experienced sleep deprivation, dealt with torture by every ill acting nerve in my body and was even handed a restrictive diet of soft-foods-only due to a lack of muscle control. Ugh, what gives?!
Since I can’t just stand up like a healthy person, the help saves me time, energy and at lots of tears, so yeah… I’m taking the easy way. Live in my body and let me know if it’s really the easy way. It’s actually quite complicated… never easy.
Whoever you are, I fear you will never learn the injustices people living with a chronic illness endure all because they are facing the unknown and the unseen as their body is destroying itself from the inside out.
Whether you’re dealing with stress, need a confidence boost, or simply want to give yourself a pep talk, positive affirmations are a powerful tool for rewiring your thoughts and shifting the chaos in your day.
You are finding yourself overwhelmed and challenged in every area of life, and you feel the weight of simply getting through today to be daunting.
Most people don’t have to think about the things they are doing in life like answering the door when an unexpected visitor arrives until something like multiple sclerosis comes along and messes with our ability to do those things.
Don’t beat yourself up because things aren’t going as hoped for, but be thankful for another day to work on it. And know this… you’re not lazy when you have to breathe and rest.