
Multiple sclerosis doesn’t make life easy to manage

Multiple sclerosis has been a constant struggle for me from the start of my diagnosis. It’s been progressing faster than I ever thought it would, even faster than the neurologist had predicted it would. It’s the uncertainty of what may take place tomorrow as my body continues to wear out that is the hardest for me to deal with.

I know I will never get any better than I am today. As my body declines I just have to do my best to not focus on how hopeless and lonely it feels to not have any answers as to how bad it will get. I chose to stop any DMTs that I had been using in the past mainly because the symptoms of the drugs made me feel worse than MS itself. And no one truly has enough proof that it will stop the progression… only that if MAY slow it down. But even that is debatable from person to person.

I just decided that living my life as it is now is more important than sitting in the waiting room at the neurologists office and racking up bills that I really can’t afford. It definitely doesn’t make life easy to manage.

One of the hardest things I face is when those closest to me question my decisions about how I’m dealing daily with MS. Some have an attitude that I’m causing it all myself by not taking any meds and others even doubt how bad it truly is. What am I supposed to do with that? I’m in a forever progression than is rolling downhill without a stop sign or guardrails.

When my heart gets heavy I tend to turn on some soothing music, curl up in the bed and let the tears flow. I allow myself room to collapse for a period of time to calm my soul. It doesn’t necessarily make the pain or depression go away. You can’t order your mind not to think or feel a certain way. We tend to make things worse for ourselves by adding a negative self-judgment to what’s already a difficult situation. That’s our inner critic interfering with our peace of mind.

I think everyone needs to make room for the uncertainties in life. Don’t feel bad for feeling. If sadness is there, it’s there. If worry is there, it’s there. Yes, becoming aware of a painful emotion can be helpful… it can loosen its grip on you. But it doesn’t automatically make it subside.

Accept without judgment that you’re feeling sad, angry, worried, etc. but add to it self-compassion for the mental suffering that accompanies the chaos. In other words, be kind to yourself. Comfort yourself when you’re feeling bad instead of blaming yourself for feeling that way.

The more you open up to your feelings, the more you can do what matters most to you, and the more you can enjoy the full richness that life has to offer, together with “bad” and “good” emotions… come as they may.

The goal of $550 is almost reached. Only $50 more and the website bills will be paid in full. Thank you in advance for your help.

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Feeling run down

I had a difficult time this past week with my health. I had grown so weak and lethargic that I wasn’t good for anything. I didn’t have any strength to even eat. I couldn’t keep any foods down either and ended up dry heaving any time I attempted to swallow. I think I spent 3 days straight just emptying my stomach.

My family was wonderful and they filled my cupboards with some much needed nutrients since I wasn’t doing so good at keeping any of my basic foods down. My mom pumped me full off vitamins and had me drinking meal replacement shakes because they are so full of everything my body needed.

After about 3 days of working hard, I was able to actually sit up by myself. That was a miracle in and of itself. Today has been the first day that I have been able to actually take care of myself, by myself. I lost about 15 pounds during that time. I wear size 7 rings and they all fall off now… ugh.

The heat and humidity I’m sure isn’t helping me out even with the air conditioner running. It feels like I’m trying to move through thick mud, and think through thick fog. All I want to do is lie down and sleep – and then sleep some more, after that. I still can’t function normally because everything leaves me wiped out.

I get short of breath even when I’m doing nothing at all. My recliner has become my new BFF. I’m hoping to be able to actually sleep today. I know my body needs lots of it. I didn’t think this summer was going to affect me like it has. But I’m thankful for an amazing family that lives nearby because they have kept me going.

My mom did a load of laundry for me and my brother went to the store. All things I couldn’t do on my own. I kept thanking them for their help… even over thanking them. Never overlook the people in you life that are willing to help. They aren’t that easy to find but are keepers when they show up.

Today I’m just going to sit quietly in my recliner, kick my feet up and veg. Even though my head is spinning and my appetite isn’t quite right, I’m going to eat what I can because my desire is to be healthy and enjoy my life. My first step to healthy living is gratitude. Thanks to all my friends who care for me, pray for me and laugh with me. You are my rock. I need you more than you will ever know.

Living with a disability in an uncaring world

There are all kinds of people in this world. Some will help you along the way while others will attempt to push boulders in your path. Living with a disability is not always easy. I have met the rude, uncaring type who watch as I struggle to open a heavy door rather than stepping in to help and the ones that choose to give me the death stare as I pull into the disabled parking spot at the grocery store only to turn away (hopefully in shame) as soon as they see me wheel my way out of my van in a powerchair.

But some of my disability is not visible. Most isn’t. People don’t see my pain, cognitive problems, bladder and bowel issues, unrelenting fatigue, spasticity, numbness, and so the many other unseen multiple sclerosis issues I deal with.  I have had people give me cures such as physical therapy classes, prayer, and positive thinking to fix me. All of these things have benefits, but they will not cure my disability.

I have difficulties getting ready in the morning. I often struggle to button things, even simple things. I use a button gadget to help out for shirts and pants if I’m wearing anything other than sweats and t-shirts. I also struggle to put on my socks, open jars and even easy-to-open packages. They can all be a challenge for me.

I’m thankful that I can still drive with a modified van for my powerchair so I can drive from my wheelchair, but even now I question my vision and slower response to traffic. I always take the back roads and navigate around busy areas because I don’t trust my own response time to sudden braking.

Everything is a response to how others are choosing to live around the disabled.  It’s sad really, that we as a society have become such critical, judgmental, selfish and uncaring people. That the disabled are invisible in their eyes. It can be seen everywhere you turn.

So, how do you function as a person with a disability in a world that cares more for itself than others? What do you do when people are rude? Mean? Angry? Do you respond in the same way as them…rudeness for rudeness? Hate for hate? Anger for anger?

That seems like the easy way, doesn’t it? It’s easy to throw out a few hurtful words in response to someones mean-spirited actions or words. But just because it’s easy doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.

How people act is not about you – it’s all about them. You can tell a lot about a person just by watching what they do, how they act, and what they say. But how you respond, that’s all you. Don’t let people’s wrongful, uncaring and bigoted actions cause you to stoop to their level. You are better than that. I know you don’t feel like it at times, but you are.

It takes all kinds of people to teach us how to become a person of character. Character is created through the struggles we face. It’s not something we are born with.

Today, if you are met with a challenge from someone’s rude and insensitive behavior, take a deep breath, allow your emotions to calm down, then respond as a person of character rather than being just like them. You be the bigger person…the better person. Show them, and yourself, that even though you have a disability, you are better than they are. You are greatness. You are more able-bodied than them.

Take the high road and leave them behind you in the dust of their own constructed chaos. Instead of wrestling with pigs, you’ll be soaring with eagles.

Memory, forgetfulness and multiple sclerosis

I woke up this morning to my pillow on the floor in the middle of the room. I’m not sure how that happened. I would have loved to have seen that pillow fight. It must have been a doozy…”take that – WHACK – and that – POW.”

I think I am closer to discovering why I’m always tired. It must be all the parties I’m having in the middle of the night with all the toys, dolls and stuffed animals in the house. We must have pillow fights too. I think they are the ones zapping my memory. This way I won’t be able to remember anything when I wake up.

Last night, though, they must have forgotten to clean up some of the evidence by leaving a pillow on the floor. I wonder if they are the ones that drink my coffee too. I will make a nice, hot, perfect cup of coffee and the next thing I know…the cup is empty and I’m sure I didn’t drink it. I’m absolutely positive of it.

I’ve had a few other things disappear too: my favorite sweater, my car keys, my cell phone, towels, and the TV remote. The other day I even lost the eggs a friend brought me. He had a dozen eggs for me since his hens are laying now. When he left, I couldn’t find them. What? How did I do that? I had a few minutes of egg hunting but I found them on my entryway table. I don’t remember putting them there.

Just the other day I was taking a shower, washed my hair but when I got out of the shower I had a head full of bubbles. How did I wash my hair and forget to rinse myself off? That happens a lot for me. Either I wet my hair and forget to wash it or have the suds still in and forget to rinse before I shut the water off. I do all my memory tricks to try and remember but I seem to fail at it most of the time. Sometime I even forget to brush my teeth while I’m in the shower even though the toothbrush is right in font of me. Ugh!

I was writing down a list of things I needed at the store yesterday. I had the list half written, got distracted and went into the bedroom to get my shoes but when I returned my pen was gone. Poof. It just disappeared. I had to get another pen just to finish my list. I still have no idea where that pen went but if I ever go shopping without a list in hand, things don’t go very well for me. I NEVER remember what I’m there to get and always return home having forgotten why I actually went there in the first place.

I think a lot of my memory problems are due to my lack of sleep. I wake up exhausted and go to bed exhausted. I know I’m getting closer to solving my memory problems and forgetfulness. I will let you know when I find out what is going on. I would love to have a few hours of real rest to get my brain a bit more organized.

Now, where did my coffee go? It was right here beside me. Seriously, it was. I’m not making this up. It must have gotten sucked into a black hole. I think I may be stuck in some weird space-time continuum. Maybe I’ll be the one to disappear next? Ahhhhhhhhhhh

There’s an earthquake happening inside my body

I woke up this morning to an earthquake.  The entire room was shaking. No wait, it wasn’t the room. It was just ME. My normal hand tremors were happening in other parts of my body as well. My legs, my arms, my head…everything was shaking. It seemed like all of my nerves were on a quadrillion-trillion dose of Red Bull or had way too much caffeine.

Much of it has calmed down now after taking a few muscle relaxers and some pain meds, but I still have the feeling of tremors even though I can’t see them. I have a weighted bracelet that helps to calm things down in my hands but not much is helpful to control the other parts of my body. It’s such a weird feeling too. It’s almost as if my body is trying to jump out of my skin. Now, the only problem is, the muscle relaxers and pain meds make me sleepy. We’ll see how well that goes today. Sleep or tremors. Not sure who is going to win this battle.

It’s so hard to get through a day when you spend a majority of it fighting your own body. When you have to think just to take a step or concentrate in order to move your body in the direction you want it to go. Most people just don’t get it when you try to explain what’s happening. It almost makes you feel as if you’re going crazy.

Nobody should have to think this hard to do the things that everyone else can do without even thinking. I’ve already spilled my coffee trying to drink from a no spill cup, tossed my grape jelly toast on the floor trying to take a bite, and kicked the coffee table for no reason at all.

Our bodies have been trained since we were toddlers to move and function: to walk, pick things up, sit down, stand up, reach, and even do the happy dance. But when those wires get crossed or damaged, and the message transmitted from the brain to the rest of the body becomes disrupted, there’s no telling what might happen. We may want a certain leg to move and it won’t, or need a hand to function properly and it refuses to obey, or need a tremor to stop shaking everything in sight without success. But when sensation is crazy too…that’s an entirely different level of weird.

When it feels like water is dripping down your cheek and you find yourself constantly checking just in case it’s real, or when it fees like bugs are crawling across your skin and yet there’s not an ant to be found, or when you feel millions of needles stabbing into your hands and feet, or when it seems like every muscle in your body is twitching and on edge…all happening inside your body where no one else can see. You begin to feel like you are losing it.

I have been known to kick the coffee table, throw things across the room, drop my drink and even hit people…all due to multiple sclerosis. At least now, if someone says something stupid and I smack them upside the head, I have a valid reason for my actions. “Oops, sorry…that was MS, not me!”

It’s hard dealing with an out of control body,  but life goes on and nothing ever seems to make sense anymore. This unseen monster is too weird and unexplainable. Life changed without warning and I can’t send it back.


I’m Raising $500 for the annual website costs of Positive Living With MS. Any amount would be a tremendous blessing and give this blog further reach to people living with multiple sclerosis. Caregivers, family members and fellow MSers have always enjoyed reading my blog. Many say that they would miss me terribly if I would ever go away. That I am a light of hope and encouragement that helps get them through their day. I was diagnosed with PPMS myself in 2013. Most of my writing is about my own experiences. I try to mix in humor as well as the reality of what life is like living with MS.

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Dear MS… let’s breakup!

Dear MS,

I don’t want you in my life any more. You are not my type of partner. You love junk food and I’d rather eat healthy. You prefer to make messes everywhere you go unlike me who hates being around that kind of living. I have a long list to mention but it’s of no use as we are not going to stay together. If you’re looking for a snack, here’s a warning for you…I covered my myelin with ghost pepper hot sauce so good luck with that. Happy munching.

I think we need to become better strangers. If I have to get a restraining order, I will. I’ll no longer take your abuse. I hope you enjoyed all the money you squeezed out of me because you won’t get another dime. Find someone else who is willing to drain their bank account to keep you happy. I never want to see you again. Don’t call me. Don’t text me. Don’t even mutter my name.

Goodbye and good riddance.

A recovering Multiple Sclerosis Warrior