
Be strong

One of the great American authors, Alex Haley, had a picture on a wall in his office that attracted much attention. It always aroused the interest of his visitors because no one could understand the significance of the photograph to the writer.

On one occasion, a visitor with a perplexed look on his face asked, “Alex, why do you have a picture of a turtle sitting on the top of a fence post?” Haley replied, “I try to remember how this turtle – me – got on the top of that post.”

Sometimes, perhaps most of the time for many of us, it is difficult to admit that if it weren’t for the help of others, we would not be where we are. From our earliest moments until this present hour, we are encouraged by nearly everyone to believe that “You can do it by yourself!”

But this is not true! We all need the help of others. Each day people come into our lives who need help, encouragement, inspiration, an act of kindness, words of sympathy, or a look of empathy. Receiving and giving help are basic human needs and behaviors.

But when you are living with a chronic illness like multiple sclerosis, asking for help isn’t always that easy. It seems like it should be, but reaching out can be tough. Many times you end up feeling vulnerable, weak and exposed for reaching out. And sharing your needs means the reality of how bad your illness has gotten scares you. You would rather others not know in order to keep them from worrying.

This can create a vicious cycle, leading to anger, frustration, and feelings of helplessness or hopelessness. Things cannot get better if you don’t acknowledge what is wrong. If you find yourself overwhelmed you may benefit from talking with your doctor about what’s going on. They have access to great resources that can help.

I have news for you today… reaching out to others for help is one of the strongest things you can do. It means that you are standing up to unspeakable forces and looking MS in the eye proving you aren’t afraid of what is happening. Only the strong can do that. And you are strong.

No matter how weak you feel, no matter how beaten or how bruised you are, I promise you, you are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. You’re living with the impossible every day.

And like the turtle on the fence post… you have many people willing to help if you just reach out to skilled people who have the resources to put things into action for you. Are you on the fence post to learn to fly or to learn to repel down?

“Be strong.”

Don’t ever apologize because you are hurting

Have you ever expressed a concern or talked with someone about a new multiple sclerosis symptom you are experiencing without a “woe is me” attitude and their response was just get over it? I’ve always thought that to be a strange response. Get over what exactly? Get over the pain? Get over the fear? Get over a chronic illness? What exactly am I to be getting over?

How do you get over something that you live with on a daily and minute-by-minute basis? “Oh, today I’m going to ignore the fact that my legs don’t work, get over it and walk across the room.” Really? And that’s supposed to make multiple sclerosis go away…ignoring it and just getting over it? Yeah… No, that doesn’t work.

Don’t ever apologize because you are hurting or needing help. It’s like being sorry for being real. Don’t allow someone’s response to you cause feelings of guilt just because you are having a challenging day. You are the one living with MS and you have the right to feel what you feel. Most people with MS hide their struggles for that very reason. They don’t want to be thought of as a burden because they know their pain is ongoing and invisible to the onlooker.

Unfortunately, there are people who are unequipped, ill-equipped and wrongly equipped to be helpful to a person living with a chronic illness. If I had a broken arm, I would have people pouring out their concern and desire to help me open doors and carry a pile of books, but that’s because a broken arm is temporary and the need is visible. Once the bone mends and the cast is removed, the need for help is no longer there. Life goes on as it always was and no one has to open doors or carry books for you any more.

But unlike a broken arm, a chronic illness is ongoing. It doesn’t simply go away as time passes. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to expect someone who is going through pain, weakness or any other MS struggle to simply “get over it” as if it’s a decision that can be made.

Most of the time people who give that kind of advice, if you want to call it advice, are at a point of frustration within themselves because they are being inconvenienced. They actually say what they say because in reality they want you to be over it so they can be spared having to deal with your challenges. Most people want to help others out, but they want you to feel better thus sparing them the inconvenience of having to adjust their own lives to accommodate the unexpected. They are thinking of themselves.

I promise you that no matter how hard life is right now, you are not “too much” or someone that is weighing other people down. As I’ve said many times before, remember that you are not a burden, you HAVE a burden which by definition is something too heavy to carry alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The ones who are meant to stick around will ask how they can help lift that burden whenever they can. Let the others go.

Above all, remember that you are loved. I know it doesn’t feel like that right now, but it’s true. An MS life can be remarkably hard. We’re not invincible. What one person can handle can be too much for someone else. It’s not about how strong or weak you are, you’re just a person trying to make your way through the craziness of an MS life like many others. Give yourself some credit for pushing on despite how intense things are right now. You got this!

Multiple sclerosis doesn’t take a break for the holidays

Multiple sclerosis doesn’t take a break for the holidays. Oh, how I wish it did. I’ve already filled my refrigerator with tasty foods easy to prepare and have coffee ready to brew. My laundry is done for at least a week and the dishes are all cleaned I just need to put everything away in the cabinets. My Roomba is all set to clean the floors for me so everything seems to be going good… for now.

But I live in a world where the MS Monster is real no matter what’s taking place around me. My parents always told me there isn’t a scary monster hiding under my bed or in the closet, but I now live with one that follows me around every day and even growls at me from time to time. He’s an impatient bugger.

I think its main purpose is to instill fear in me… fear of the unknown, fear of increased disability, fear of being alone, fear of not having needed support. Such great amounts of fear that has the potential of growing and discouraging me from enjoying anything in life. The holidays aren’t as much fun as in the past. I do my best to find some joy even in the worst of times but it’s getting harder to find.

My family will be coming over which could be stressful, but I no longer get stressed trying to do too much. I actually don’t do much at all. I just work to keep the most needed things handy and have plenty of chocolate on hand for an emergency. Like Duct-tape, chocolate can fix anything.

I’m always ready for a battle. With MS I’m basically in a fight every moment of the day. I need to be strong and ready to fight.

I can’t stop myself from thinking about my former life. Was it real? I’m not sure. It’s so far away from my current reality. Sadly, my mind holds onto pieces of things that have long been erased. It has a tendency to bring on depression which can further weaken my health trying to convince me to give up.

I spent years convincing myself that monsters were only in my mind… that they weren’t real, but in this body I’m living with the MS Monster. I haven’t been able to shake him. I’ve worked hard to power through the fear. It’s not easy and comes with lots of lonely times. Most people don’t understand how painful and lonely it can get.

The best way to fight is to take it one day at a time. You are always taking care of everyone around you, but you need to focus on yourself right now. Stay positive and know that we are all cheering you on.

Never stop believing in your extraordinary inner strength. It has brought you this far and will guide you along the way. No matter what life has thrown at you in the past, you have survived it. You are so much stronger than you think. Keep on fighting and don’t give up.

I wish I could take this monster away from you. Remember that you are not alone in this fight. You are amazing.

Multiple sclerosis doesn’t make life easy to manage

Multiple sclerosis has been a constant struggle for me from the start of my diagnosis. It’s been progressing faster than I ever thought it would, even faster than the neurologist had predicted it would. It’s the uncertainty of what may take place tomorrow as my body continues to wear out that is the hardest for me to deal with.

I know I will never get any better than I am today. As my body declines I just have to do my best to not focus on how hopeless and lonely it feels to not have any answers as to how bad it will get. I chose to stop any DMTs that I had been using in the past mainly because the symptoms of the drugs made me feel worse than MS itself. And no one truly has enough proof that it will stop the progression… only that if MAY slow it down. But even that is debatable from person to person.

I just decided that living my life as it is now is more important than sitting in the waiting room at the neurologists office and racking up bills that I really can’t afford. It definitely doesn’t make life easy to manage.

One of the hardest things I face is when those closest to me question my decisions about how I’m dealing daily with MS. Some have an attitude that I’m causing it all myself by not taking any meds and others even doubt how bad it truly is. What am I supposed to do with that? I’m in a forever progression than is rolling downhill without a stop sign or guardrails.

When my heart gets heavy I tend to turn on some soothing music, curl up in the bed and let the tears flow. I allow myself room to collapse for a period of time to calm my soul. It doesn’t necessarily make the pain or depression go away. You can’t order your mind not to think or feel a certain way. We tend to make things worse for ourselves by adding a negative self-judgment to what’s already a difficult situation. That’s our inner critic interfering with our peace of mind.

I think everyone needs to make room for the uncertainties in life. Don’t feel bad for feeling. If sadness is there, it’s there. If worry is there, it’s there. Yes, becoming aware of a painful emotion can be helpful… it can loosen its grip on you. But it doesn’t automatically make it subside.

Accept without judgment that you’re feeling sad, angry, worried, etc. but add to it self-compassion for the mental suffering that accompanies the chaos. In other words, be kind to yourself. Comfort yourself when you’re feeling bad instead of blaming yourself for feeling that way.

The more you open up to your feelings, the more you can do what matters most to you, and the more you can enjoy the full richness that life has to offer, together with “bad” and “good” emotions… come as they may.

My Multiple Sclerosis Seussical World

I don’t know what Dr. Seuss book I fell out of, but this weird little word world still has me tongue-tied and inspired by his insane imagination. I really need to create my own multiple sclerosis dictionary with all my silly lingo words that get created when I flub up my speech… which happens often.

Wheely Thingy – rollator walker
Snippycut – scissors
Urmp – perplexed
Waddlewampuz – walkking crooked
Fatone – big toe
Phogo – mobile phone

“I like nonsense,” Dr. Seuss once said. “It wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”

That’s how I want to live my life. Ready to zip-a-dee-zoot and head out the door for my day filled with the impossible, wacky, and unknown happenings in my MS world. Here are few of his nuttiest little nuggets that’ll help you feel extra Seussical while you supp on green eggs and ham as you go about your MS  filled day.

In Hunches in Bunches, the line reads, “That mind of yours… is frightfully ga-fluppted. Your mind is murky-mooshy!” Reading it in context like that, it seems like that term is meant to be some kind of funky MS train of thought mixup. Seems about right.

In ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book! you are introduced to a three-Z creature “Zizzer-zazzer-zuzz”. It’s believed he has escaped from the zoo. He plays jazz on the zither and loves to eat Zizzer-Zoof seeds. I think “zizzer-zazzer-zuzz” can definitely sub in as the new “thingamajig.”

What wacky seussical words and phrases might apply to your MS life?

I can’t help but remember Dr. Seuss saying, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” I believe that whole heartedly. The problem is that most of us underestimate ourselves.

You are capable of more than what you think you are. All you need to do is believe in yourself and hang on as you navigate this weird and wacky MS seussical world. Yipity-zoo-za-zay.

We are in a war against our bodies – this is multiple sclerosis

There is something about having things left undone that sets me on edge. I don’t know why, I guess that’s just how I’m wired. Because the temperature outside is dropping I needed to make sure the air in my van tires were properly set. The cold weather always decreases the pressure so air needs to be added. Like most people, I have a portable air pump so I don’t have to go to a gas station or a car mechanic to pump them up. The temperature dropped to below freezing last night so I had to make sure everything was going to be okay in the coming days.

I was glad I checked them out. I spent about 20 minutes adding air to each tire. I checked my riding mower tires too while I was at it, so all my tires are good to go now. I won’t know it my van tires are properly filled until I go down the road. The sensors in the van will let me know if the air is still too low. Hopefully I filled them up without needing a bit more air.

There are a few more jobs I need to do around the house in the coming days. My to-do list has become filled with an unending list of must-do items. I try my best to tackle my list, but lately it has gotten bigger than I can manage. I’m going to have to get some help if I don’t want the coming winter to overtake me.

Dealing with all the things I need to do around the house doesn’t put MS on hold. When multiple sclerosis stepped into my life years ago and it made a jumbled up mess of my bodies makeup. My internal wiring has been a crazy tangled up mess since then. So the mess outside of my body makes an added mess to my insides as well. Either I’m battling a myline munching monster or it’s life itself complicating everything around me.

It feels as if I’m living in a virtual Trouble board game merged with Operation… My Pop-O-Matic die roller is broken and I have been sent back to start more times than warranted. My Operation doctor is still working to determine which nerves have been cut. Is it the train of thought nerve? The vision nerve? The speech nerve? The funny bone nerve? No one knows.

MS short circuits my bodies ability to properly function and creates chaos where there isn’t any chaos to begin with. Nothing ever seems to go as I want it to. My body seems to have a mind of its own and has adventures without me. I tell it to walk and it rolls around on the floor. I tell it to run and it sits down laughing at me. I tell it to sleep and it throws a temper tantrum. It just doesn’t seem to listen to anything I say. It’s worse than a rebellious teenager.

We are in a war, you and I. A war, not just against a broken pop-o-matic die roller or a faulty operation doctor. We are in a war against our bodies… if there is such a thing. There are so many things I used to be able to do that seem huge today and nearly impossible. Everything from laundry to running the dishwasher, from sorting mail to grocery shopping, from driving through traffic to maneuvering through crowds, they all seem extra hard, nearly impossible, and bigger than life.

You know what I have learned in this messy life we have? I have learned that it’s okay to have an unfinished to-do list. It’s okay to let the dishes sit alone in the dishwasher. It’s okay to not clean out the car, to slow down when I’m in a hurry, to enjoy a moment of quiet with just myself. Each minute is a gift we are given. We get to choose how we use them.

Take more care in how you use your minutes. They are precious and shouldn’t be wasted with worries and frustrations. If that means things don’t get done… oh well.

Use your minutes with care. Do something you love, something just for you, something that will give you a chance to simply enjoy the day. You are amazing and deserve some time just for you.

What people with MS would love to hear

It’s heartbreaking to hear from a friend or loved one that they have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. If upon learning the news you go through a range of emotions—from shock to sadness to anger to fear—well, then just imagine what your friend must be feeling themselves.

It’s only natural when a loved one is going through a health struggle like MS, we want to support them in any way possible. We want to be a physical presence in their life to assist them, but still need to respect their personal boundaries as they navigate a major change in their life. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is send a thoughtful note with some comforting words to let them know that we care.

But even then, it can often be difficult to find the right words. I’ve put together a list of items that someone living with MS would love to hear from a friend or loved one…

  1. “I’m here for you”

    Show up for your loved one and remain by their side as they go through the crazy MS process. And if you say these words, make sure you mean them, and support them through thick and thin.

  2. “Thinking of you”

    I’m thinking and praying for you… and I really mean it!

    Hearing that your wellbeing is on someone’s mind can be a great comfort, and the act of praying may be very peaceful for you as well. If you or your loved one aren’t religious, it’s still helpful to hear someone is sending you good vibes daily.

  3. “Let’s have some fun”

    Tell a Joke… after all, it’s been said that laughter is the best medicine. Ask your friend for suggestions on renting a movie or watching a tv series that might be uplifting and humorous.

  4. “I care about you”

    I don’t know what to say, but I care about you and I’m here for you if you need to talk or just cry.

    Listening is sometimes the best thing you can do for someone with MS. Silence is actually ok. Sometimes those empty spaces allow both of you to collect your thoughts and emotions. Be sure to listen without judgment.

  5. “You are so beautiful”

    I’ve set up an appointment with the hairdresser to give you a new haircut and manicure.

    Feeling confident when dealing with physical challenges can be difficult at first. No matter what physical symptoms your loved one is experiencing, this is an opportunity for you to make sure their inner and outer beauty is recognized by letting them know that they are beautiful… even when in PJs and having messy hair.

  6. “What day works for a visit?”

    Call and ask when a good time to visit might be. Be mindful when you are visiting that people with MS can tire easily and several short visits might be best.

  7. “Let me help you with…”

    Ask if they need help with any particular tasks such as:
    Grocery shopping
    Cleaning the house
    Making a meal
    Picking up prescriptions

    Finding the time and energy to run errands can be a challenge. They may feel ashamed in asking for help with tasks even though it is needed. Show that you are sincere in your offer to help by making suggestions.

  8. “I love you”

    Send a note with a personal gift such as books, movies, word games, small mementos, or special personal care products. When nothing else feels right, these three simple, powerful words can mean the world. They might be just the thing your loved one needs to push through the day.

  9. “There are so many things to love about you”

    MS has a way of feeling all-encompassing. Those affected may feel like their identity revolves around being a patient. That is simply not true. Your loved one is so much more than someone who has MS. They could be a dog-lover, artist, parent… Help them focus on all their amazing traits that have nothing to do with their illness.

  10. “How are you doing?”

    You can be there for your loved one by asking them how they’re doing not just physically, but emotionally as well. Don’t be afraid to ask about their mental health. Sometimes physical symptoms are only one part of the puzzle when it comes to MS.

Feeling run down

I had a difficult time this past week with my health. I had grown so weak and lethargic that I wasn’t good for anything. I didn’t have any strength to even eat. I couldn’t keep any foods down either and ended up dry heaving any time I attempted to swallow. I think I spent 3 days straight just emptying my stomach.

My family was wonderful and they filled my cupboards with some much needed nutrients since I wasn’t doing so good at keeping any of my basic foods down. My mom pumped me full off vitamins and had me drinking meal replacement shakes because they are so full of everything my body needed.

After about 3 days of working hard, I was able to actually sit up by myself. That was a miracle in and of itself. Today has been the first day that I have been able to actually take care of myself, by myself. I lost about 15 pounds during that time. I wear size 7 rings and they all fall off now… ugh.

The heat and humidity I’m sure isn’t helping me out even with the air conditioner running. It feels like I’m trying to move through thick mud, and think through thick fog. All I want to do is lie down and sleep – and then sleep some more, after that. I still can’t function normally because everything leaves me wiped out.

I get short of breath even when I’m doing nothing at all. My recliner has become my new BFF. I’m hoping to be able to actually sleep today. I know my body needs lots of it. I didn’t think this summer was going to affect me like it has. But I’m thankful for an amazing family that lives nearby because they have kept me going.

My mom did a load of laundry for me and my brother went to the store. All things I couldn’t do on my own. I kept thanking them for their help… even over thanking them. Never overlook the people in you life that are willing to help. They aren’t that easy to find but are keepers when they show up.

Today I’m just going to sit quietly in my recliner, kick my feet up and veg. Even though my head is spinning and my appetite isn’t quite right, I’m going to eat what I can because my desire is to be healthy and enjoy my life. My first step to healthy living is gratitude. Thanks to all my friends who care for me, pray for me and laugh with me. You are my rock. I need you more than you will ever know.

Conquer the MS Beast

Earlier this week I tackled my plans to set up solar lights leading to my front door. Sounds easy, right? But I had lots of unforeseen problems. I gathered all the supplies needed to make the area beautiful but knew it would take a lot of time and patience to set everything up. The picture on this post shows what I did. I still need to get some plants for the area above the lights though. Right now it is a bunch of mulch but looks pretty even without any plants in it.

I had a few bags of white rocks to fill in the area around the lights but knew it wasn’t going to be easy to lay things out. I mapped out the light placement, dug up the area where they were going to be placed and laid down weed barrier to deter weeds from cropping up in the middle of the rocks.

One of my main issues while working was that I kept falling over due to my lack of trunk control. I couldn’t stay upright on the ground while I worked. It was challenging to keep still. I scraped my elbows and even my forehead once… ugh! Pulling myself up every time I fell over wasn’t as easy as it sounds. I ended up bruising my tailbone too as I inched my way back and forth across the sidewalk.

I feel accomplished with all the work that I got done. As I was working I kept thinking that bad things aren’t just happening to you and me… they’re happening everywhere. The way I see it, if I hadn’t gotten sick with MS, I would have never met you or had the opportunity to give you encouraging words to cheer you up.

MS challenges? Pfft, they’ve got nothing on me! I’m like a bulldozer, smashing through obstacles with sheer willpower. Nothing can extinguish the fire burning inside me to conquer the impossible. No matter how tough my MS life gets, I’m the kind of person who keeps pushing forward, defying the odds.

Setbacks will happen. I see them as temporary blips on my journey to greatness. Unleash your inner resilience to conquer whatever life throws your way. You have the power within you to create a life filled with strength, courage, and unwavering determination.

We are living in such dark times. I never dreamed of all the confusion, challenges and deception that is taking place around the world today. I had such high hopes for my future but I’m finding it harder to stay strong in the midst of the battle.

There are great things ahead. I really believe that. I refuse to throw in the towel no matter what life hurls at me or how bad my MS progression becomes. I’ve got an unstoppable determination to conquer the MS beast.

No matter what happens, it will be okay

I had a rough night last night. I’m not sure what happened but I spent my night hugging a bucket as nausea took over and I spent my time vomiting. I had a fever too and even had to turn my air conditioner on full blast for a time just to get comfortable. My stomach muscles worked overtime to empty out my system. So, now I’m empty but have yet to drink anything because last night it didn’t end well when I tried. I want a little bit of rest first before I try again.

That has never happened to me before to that extreme but I’m glad everything has calmed down a bit. I wonder if it was due to a new medication I took yesterday. It must have disagreed with me and sent my system into a downward spiral. I normally can’t take many new meds even aspirin or something disrupts my cellular response. At least I know what to avoid in the future.

That kind of thing happens a lot with me. Multiple sclerosis has put a kink in everything I do. I had forgotten how hopeless life can become when new problems happen out of the blue. At one time the difficulties had me hating everything… including life. But then my new MS friends changed everything. They understood the unusual reactions of my body. Maybe not really understood them, but they knew that they would happen and how to go with the flow.

Over time I have come to realize the life that I have. The spirit that I truly have. I may have troubles, but they won’t take me down for too long. Life is a gift. It’s special and beautiful. And life is what we make of it. No matter what happens even when it seems like the world is crumbling around you, if you have a support system with even just one friend you know that everything will be okay.

Life will go on, the sun will rise on a new day, and the rainbow will come out after the storm. No matter what happens, it will be okay. That’s my view of life right now. It may be crap at times, but everything will be okay. Troubles will come, troubles will go, pain will come, pain will go, life will expand and life will grow, I just need to make sure I’m nurturing it and filling it with hope.

Even if you can’t do something as you once could, you have to keep trying. Be calm, be brave, don’t quit on life and never quit on yourself. The world needs you. I need you. You are the reason I’m up today and sharing my thoughts and experiences. Thank you for just being you and accepting me for who I am. I’m doing the same for you. Gentle hugs coming your way… xoxo

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