No matter what happens, it will be okay
Even if you can’t do something as you once could, you have to keep trying. Be calm, be brave, don’t quit on life and never quit on yourself. The world needs you. I need you.
Positive Living with MS was started by Penelope Conway after she was diagnosed with MS. She found few resources for positive encouragement; to laugh, cry, share, and just feel normal in the midst of a life of chaos; so she decided to start something herself. Positive Living with MS was birthed out of Penelope’s desire to show others that regardless of the challenges, we can all enjoy life to the fullest and find a smile in the storm.
Even if you can’t do something as you once could, you have to keep trying. Be calm, be brave, don’t quit on life and never quit on yourself. The world needs you. I need you.
You may feel like you’re on a roller coaster of emotions. Accepting what’s going on one day and angry about it the next.
Since MS has taken up residence in my body, I have discovered many things that affect me that never did before. It seems like symptoms show up out of nowhere and have a tendency to hang around for a long, long time… sometimes forever.
I try my best to stay active because I know there will come a day when my body will be limited in the things it can do.
Multiple sclerosis sweeps into your life and attempts to take you out. The destruction left behind can seem impossible to handle. Your life has become a moment by moment experience. Some moments are good, some bad and some are downright horrible.
As a grown up, my monsters changed. They still try to scare me but in different ways. I have to be sure to keep my heart and mind protected from their scare tactics.
Remember that you weren’t given an instruction manual along with multiple sclerosis, and you can only do the best you can with the information you have at the time.
I can’t wish MS away or even think positively enough for it to disappear. Some people have said dealing with it is just mind over MS, haha. I doubt they have had any issues with MS to overcome or even MS itself.
We live our lives in a crazy, seemingly unending fog due to multiple sclerosis. Fight through the fog, dodge the dizziness that happens, keep your focus on the end even when there is no end in sight.
Having a disability can introduce a unique set of challenges that you have to go through and some you never even imagined you would be dealing with. There are certain things that I could have benefited from hearing in order to feel less alone.